Questions tagged [visual-studio-code]

Visual Studio Code is a cross-platform source code editor from Microsoft.

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how to open every new VS code window in a specific remote host? [duplicate]

I would like every new window of VScode to open using a specific remote host. In my case it's WSL but it could be any other registered one. Is that possible and if yes how ?
Pierrick Rambaud's user avatar
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How to create a custom connection to WSL in remote host list?

I am using visual studio and WSL on a company virtual machine. The consequence is that the ubuntu partition is shared among all the users of the machine. To make sure we don't destroy each other work, ...
Pierrick Rambaud's user avatar
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change vscode Code Analysis Mode for C

Simple question but one I cannot find the answer to - having scoured the settings I can't find how to change my Code Analysis Mode from Manual. I presume other modes must exist since it bothers to ...
blex-max's user avatar
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zsh path is gone

I am working with a MacBook Pro. I installed Homebrew, Bash, VS Code, Oh-my-zsh and iTerminal. I am able to use the iTerminal. And, the integrated terminal on VS Code with bash. But, when I open a ...
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VS Code Shortcuts for Efficient Debug Run Test Workflow in Rust

I am having trouble running tests or debugging a specific test. In particular I have to click these buttons to single out run specific tests. But when I am debugging or searching for elsewhere, and ...
facebook's user avatar
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How to run two commands with a simple F7 keybind command in Visual Studio Code?

When I press F7, cargo test runs in the terminal in the background. I can't make F7 command both to run cargo test also open the terminal where it ran that command. This is what I tried: [ { &...
facebook's user avatar
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Make SumatraPDF open advanced settings in Sublime Text

SumatraPDF used to open the advanced settings in Sublime Text, but now all of a sudden it fires up Visual Studio Code (which albeit a fine editor is not the one I regularly use). How do I change it ...
Fredrik P's user avatar
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Is there a way to hide as a spoiler some part of sensitive information in files in VS Code, like stars in a password

I share my desktop, so I don't want to overly expose my tokens while I am showing off how I code.
facebook's user avatar
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Open file from previous commits without overwriting working copy

VSCode allows open files from previous commits in comparison editor, is there a way open a file in normal editor, without any comparison? I'd like to have 2 files opened in 2 tabs, one - current ...
vanowm's user avatar
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How can I rename files outside of VS Code without the app marking them as deleted?

I understand that if I rename a file outside of the app, that at least by default, VS code wouldn't know that it was renamed and assume the file was deleted. However I wonder if there's a way to ...
Oneechan69's user avatar
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How can I remove an extension for a VS Code profile?

I have to switch between many projects in VS Code and up till now have been disabling/enabling extensions for specific workspaces. I now want to give code profiles a chance: Visual Studio Code has ...
JannieT's user avatar
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How to search for specific text only in uncommitted changes since last commit in Visual Studio Code?

I have made changes to my repository and I can see the changes of the files under Source control in this tab on the left of VS Code. This shows all my uncommitted changes in git. I have a compilation ...
heretoinfinity's user avatar
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Getting rid of the red squiggly underline on errors

I have a lot of trouble reading my own code when there is an error because of this red squiggly line: It's especially annoying when you code with expressions rather than statements because it ...
geoffrey's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code not running code in terminal

I'm trying to run my C code, but I keep getting this message in the terminal instead of the output I want. I think it has something to do with installing MinGW incorrectly (or putting the wrong route ...
Alli Saenz's user avatar
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Quickest way to add variable text from a text file to a JSON file in specific places

I'm trying to find the easiest and quickest way to fetch a list of names in different lines from a text file and appending them to a specific field in a structured JSON file that repeats itself over ...
MACC's user avatar
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Open VS Code from Notepad++

I use both Notepad++ and VS Code, and for easy switching between the two, I have set up a Run command in Notepad++ to start VS Code with the current file, and caret position: code -g $(...
Berend's user avatar
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Change editor for OpenShift to Visual Studio Code

I need to change my proxy settings for OpenShift. Therefore I can edit them like: oc edit cluster Now, I don't want to use edit but rather VS Code. I found that changing the ...
jmizv's user avatar
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Impossible to keep user install in Visual Studio Code

I'm using Windows 11 and I've found that for VS Code, user installer, incredibly, doesn't have the option to check for updates, and it does not do that automatically either (although I've got this ...
Unapedra's user avatar
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Can't SSH to remote server when using public key - Could not establish connection

I added my EC2 instance to the configuration file: Host EC2-Instance HostName User ec2user Port 22 IdentityFile C:\Users\myuser\Documents\ec2_instance.ppk But I still get "Could not ...
Stackerito's user avatar
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How to setup vscode C++ intellisense to use gcc compiler?

I'm using C++ in vscode with Microsoft C/C++ Extension. I'm using g++ compiler provided in msys2: gcc --version gcc.exe (Rev6, Built by MSYS2 project) 13.1.0 When I write this code in editor, it ...
Sourav Kannantha B's user avatar
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Linux Visual Code 'no space left on device'

I am running Linux Mint 21.1, and I am running VSCode with PlatformIO extension. My project folder is located on my server which I access with Samba. This setup works fine on Windows, with one ...
Runar Jørgensen's user avatar
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VSCode window cannot be moved when the title bar is not reachable

Usual Windows applications will open the "Windows menu" an upper-leftmost menu for resizing/moving/closing the window, by typing Alt+Space, which is a lifesaver when the title bar is not ...
jluu's user avatar
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Where is the ‘default debugger’ setting located in VSCode's UI?

When you create a new project and run the ‘run without debugging’ command for the first time, VSCode suggests you choose a default debugger (see screen below). Where can I change that default debugger ...
user164014's user avatar
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vscode remote environment variables don't match `.bashrc`

Let's say the $PATH variable contained /usr/bin before everything. My ~/.bashrc used to have a line like this: export PATH='/home/user/123:$PATH' Then, I changed the line to: export PATH='/home/user/...
ImACoralReef's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code and Debugpy remote debugging - "Client Authentication Failed" Error

I am trying to perform remote Python debugging with Visual Studio Code and debugpy. I am attaching to a python script running on an oracle linux server. I am on a Windows 10 machine. Steps followed: ...
dc3jam 's user avatar
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In VSCode remote ssh, how to change the right-click delete action in File Explorer from permanent deletion to moving files to the Recycle Bin?

I connect to remote server by ssh on vscode. The right-click delete action in File Explorer will permanently delete files of remote server. How to change the right-click delete action in File Explorer ...
buaa_cjz's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code shortcut to close html tag

Could you please help, is there any shortcut in Visual Studio Code to complete/close html tags? For example I edit a file: <div><p>Some text | <- cursor is here, I press a hotkey and ...
ViH's user avatar
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Can I safely disable a firewall rule added by Visual Studio Code?

I am starting web development on Visual Studio Code, and I'm using Live Server to test the resulting pages on my browser. I want also to test using my mobile phone connected on the same private ...
Rony's user avatar
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How to make Visual Studio Code forward caught keystrokes?

Some keystrokes are caught by Visual Studio Code (Ctrl + K for instance in my case), thus preventing the built-in terminal to receive it. How could I make Visual Studio Code forward such a keystroke (...
vmonteco's user avatar
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How to select text by paragraph in VS Code with a keybinding?

I've found how to customize a keybinding for jumping to the closest empty line here. But I wonder if I can, in the same way, set a keybinding for selection of paragraph or to the next empty line. I'd ...
Thibault Cimic's user avatar
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Single Kanji alters when pasted from Illustrator to VS Code

I am encountering an unusual issue while working with Japanese Kanji characters. I use Adobe Illustrator for some of my tasks, and often need to copy text from Illustrator and paste it into Visual ...
Pascal's user avatar
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How to change website scale? Live Preview extention for Visual Studio Code

I use Live Preview extention for Visual Studio Code (Windows). Is there any way to change or reduce scale of website preview? I tried using Ctrl + Plus/Minus - it affects the whole Visual Studio Code ...
ViH's user avatar
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Is there an underlying task/service that I can restart when Discord, Chrome, Edge and VSCode all become unresponsive?

Windows 10 Pro, after a week or two of uptime I often run into an issue where several applications become unresponsive simultaneously. Best I can tell from my research, these applications (Discord, ...
humulos's user avatar
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Why VS Code syntax highlighting colors so dull in Windows? How can I fix it?

For a long time I have been thought that I have a bad monitor. That is why colors in VS Code have been so dull. But now I have compared Ubuntu and Windows colors and I understand that this is a ...
hisbvdis's user avatar
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Why it shows "User xxx is logged in on sshd“ warning when using shutdown close linux server?

I log a linux server by vscode's ssh method in Win10 (the terminal in vscode is like (base) [myname@localhost ~]$ )and I am not a super user of this server (that means I cannot use su). When the ...
4daJKong's user avatar
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Snowflake Execute button not appearing in VS Studio

Apologize if this is a silly question. I use VS studio to connect to snowflake. And all of a sudden when I'm coding, no execute button appears to click. Sometimes I can get it to appear but then it's ...
Timothy Batten's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code shortcut to wrap HTML element into container tag

When you have an HTML tag and you want to wrap it into another HTML tag, what is the fastest/easiest way to do so? Since it happens quite often, I'm looking for a way to optimize it. Currently, it ...
Simon Ferndriger's user avatar
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Jupyter notebook upper/lowercase selected part

I wonder if there are shortcut keys for converting the selected block into uppercase or lowercase letters. For example, Ctrl + Shift + U / Ctrl + U does this in Notepad++. I searched this page ...
user67275's user avatar
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How to pass Ctrl+R to the git bash terminal in Visual Studio Code? [duplicate]

Right now while in git bash terminal inside VS Code if I press Ctrl+R nothing happened - VS Code awaits for the second key of chord: Is it possible to instruct VS Code to pass the Ctrl+R key ...
mark's user avatar
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Opening Visual Studio Code command palette by Ctrl + P and Ctrl Shift + P

The shortcut for opening the Visual Studio Code command palette in Windows is Ctrl + Shift + P as in the screenshot. But I occasionally found out that Ctrl + P also opens the command palette. What is ...
user67275's user avatar
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VSCode Test Discovery Conflict, lib vs local

I am experiencing an issue with Visual Studio Code test discovery hoping to get some insight. I believe this is due to a conflict between the Python lib vs. local. Context I have a custom package (let'...
YTKme's user avatar
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What happens to a file/directory after you remove it with rm -rf but is still open in VS Code or anorhet app?

This happens me a lot. I remove directory with rm -rf but see it is still open in an application such as VS Code. My concern is that does it cause some folders to be copied for VS Code to be still ...
yokus's user avatar
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VScode, keybindings for integrated terminal

I've edited the keybindings.json file in vscode to avoid moving the right hand to the arrow keys adding, among the others, the following: { "key": "ctrl+j", "command&...
stew.ita's user avatar
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How can I make the cursor in VS Code use the arrow keys in the same way as vim?

Specifically, I want it in VS Code so that when I move the arrow key to the right at the end of a line of text it just stops in place instead of jumping to the beginning of the next line. I find this ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Why is my VS Code installation of the Dracula Official theme seemingly not appearing the same as a reference screenshot?

I am trying to use Dracula Official theme in my VSCode. But I am not getting my text like the official image below. I am not getting the exact font and italic text. My texts are like below. How can I ...
abu abu's user avatar
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How to list (search) files with a certain name

i'm trying to get a list of all the files with a certain name in a project i opened with VS Code. For example, all the .gitignore files in my project. I know i can ctrl+p and type ".gitignore&...
aetonsi's user avatar
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Why is VS Code putting "C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe -d Ubuntu -e" in front of my tasks and how do I stop it?

I have this build task: { "label": "build", "type": "shell", "command": "C:\\Users\\m\\Desktop\\qmk\\QMK_MSYS\\usr\\...
user973223's user avatar
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VS19 Create Visual Jpeg of Code

I want to create a jpeg image of my code with black bg and white/color font as seen in dark mode. This is to get it printed and framed for my wall but I'm having such a hard time figuring it out. I ...
Stefs's user avatar
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VSCode won't open files from FileZilla

I used to use Atom as my editor, but recently switched over to VSCode. When I used to use Atom, I could right click on a file from FileZilla, click on "View/Edit" and it would open in Atom ...
AJT's user avatar
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How to externally view the PDF file compiled by a remote Linux server on a local Windows system?

I'm using VS Code to write and compile LaTeX files through the Remote series extensions of VS Code on a Linux server. How can I use an external viewer for the compiled PDF files? I was thinking of ...
Shiqinrui Xu's user avatar

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