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Questions tagged [wav]

WAV (or WAVE), short form for Waveform audio format, is a standard format audio file from Microsoft and IBM for storing audio on PCs.

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Fix "Non-monotonic DTS" Warning Caused By asetnsamples Filter

I'm using the following complex filter to mute certain parts of an audio file and replace those parts with a beep generated by the sine filter: [0]asetnsamples=n=1,volume=0:enable='between(t,1.57,1.97)...
Harry Muscle's user avatar
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ffplay file.wav 18 audio channels

On Linux I have an 18 channel wav file that I can play with aplay or play(sox) without problems. The 18 channels are played well. If I want to play it with ffplay I get this: libavutil 56. 51....
Dominique Blanchemain's user avatar
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concatenate flac, opus, wav file parts with ffmpeg

I tried concatenating two flac files with this command: ffmpeg -i 1.flac -i 2.flac -filter_complex '[0:0][1:0]concat=n=2:a=1[out]' -map '[out]' -c:a copy out.flac i get the following error message: ...
user1850133's user avatar
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Add timestamps to output? pocketsphinx

Been using pocketsphinx to successfully grab transcripts from wav files, and it made sense to me that there would be an argument for adding timestamps. Actually, there are SO MANY arguments in the ...
Wolfpack'08's user avatar
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Concatenating multitrack .wav files using ffmpeg

I have 32bit .wav files with around 6 channels, segmented into chunks of 2.15GB. I want to merge the files sequentially, retaining the individual channels. I would assume something like: ffmpeg -f ...
EURSCVA MembroFoto's user avatar
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Create a limit frequency response range WAV file FFmpeg

I've been experimenting with using FFmpeg to convert modern high-quality audio (44.1, 48 & 96kHz etc.)into analogue type audio which are the old fashions Hi-Fi sounds like the 20 kHz frequency ...
Taymur Roshan's user avatar
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FFMPEG - Converting from WAV to AAC changes the length of the audio file and causes video to be out of sync

Disclaimer: I am a complete novice at computer science, coding, etc. TLDR: Converting from wav to aac with libfdk_aac is giving me a shorter file, and using aac it turns out longer. How can I preserve ...
Barzai's user avatar
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Trying to convert WAV to HE-AACv2

so I've been trying to figure out how to convert WAVs into HE-AACv2, and nothing seems to be working at all. When I get an output file, it's corrupted. When I don't, it's always some vague error that ...
Jaden LeMieux's user avatar
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I install ffmpeg in the AWS EC2 environment and convert the audio .wav file to .m4a, but I'm having trouble with loud noise

I install ffmpeg in the aws EC2 environment and convert the audio wav file to m4a, but I'm having trouble with loud noise I don't know how to set parameters without noise. The ffmpeg version is ffmpeg-...
原田静男's user avatar
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Trying to trim a WAV file with ffmpeg yields a "Unable to find a suitable output format" error

Here's my command: ffmpeg -i /path/to/filename.wav -vn -acodec copy -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:13:00 /path/to/filename-0.wav When I run it I get the following error: [NULL @ 0x55dfa3f27c80] Unable to find a ...
neubert's user avatar
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How to stretch a wav file to a specific number of samples?

How do you convert the content of a wav file to a specific number of samples, but without adding any silence? I.e. how can you stretch the audio data to a certain number of samples? Some background ...
SePröbläm's user avatar
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Copy all metadata (Chapters and...) from one wav file to another

How can I copy all the metadata (containing all chapters info) from one wav file to another? I tried so many different methods, but so far none of them worked. for example this wont work ffmpeg -i in0....
sanab3343's user avatar
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Unable to re-rip CDs in Windows Media Player

Using Windows Media Player to rip my CD collection I had noise issues with MP3 even at highest quality. I have a few dozen ripped this way. I started using WAV format and all is great. I have plenty ...
Ron Draper's user avatar
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I have a 16-bit 44.1kHz wav file in WAV_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE format. What is a simple and efficient way to convert it to WAV_FORMAT_PCM on the command-line? ffmpeg solutions preferred, but I'm also open ...
michaeljan's user avatar
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Windows Command Line Join WAV files

Looking to join wav files together with a Win command line. I need to take different time/sample start/end sections out of a wav file and join them into a new file. Was looking at SoX but was not sure ...
LuaStart's user avatar
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Need help converting a .wav RIFF WAVEfmt to MP3

I have a couple of .wav files from a Palm Pilot or possibly an old Windows Pocket PC that are in the format of a .wav RIFF WAVEfmt file. I can't play them, and would like to convert them to some ...
Magwich's user avatar
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ffmpeg: Export to 24 bits wave with Microsoft PCM, not Extensible (with Lavf58.76.100)

I notice that, when I use FFMPEG to export a mod to a wave in 24 bits or higher, FFMPEG decides to use extensible encoding instead of regular PCM encoding and uses "Lavf58.76.100", whatever ...
Gerhard Schreurs's user avatar
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"Cannot find matching stream" error while using FFMPEG filter_complex to mute selected audio channel

ffmpeg -i stereoaudio.wav -filter_complex "[0:a]atrim=start=0:duration=5[a1];[0:a]atrim=start=5:duration=17,asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS[b2];[b2]pan=stereo|c1=c1[c3];[a1][c3]concat=n=3:v=0:a=1[d4];[0:a]...
AnnaJoyW's user avatar
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ffmpeg - concatening audio files onto separate channels in one file

I have a list of mono wav files like this 1 speaker1.wav 2 speaker2.wav 3 speaker1.wav 4 speaker2.wav 5 speaker1.wav 6 speaker2.wav I want to concatenate them so that I get a single file where each ...
Tom's user avatar
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8 answers

How do I check if a 2-track WAV file is "really" in stereo?

I have an audio file (WAV format to be specific). When I open it with an editor (e.g. audacity), I see two channels I suspect that the recording is actually mono rather than audio, i.e. I suspect the ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Windows sounds play from a selection at random

So I'm trying to figure out how to play from my selection of .wav files for a single notification on windows sounds. Windows will only accept .wav but it needs to be at random from my folder. I was ...
Charlie Conte's user avatar
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Auto Batch Process - Trim, change bit rate and then normalize wav files via sox on Windows

I would like to batch process wav files in a folder: Firstly trimming the files to 5secs and placing the trimmed files in a folder called "Trim5s", then Changing the bit rate on the trimmed ...
Joe's user avatar
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Goldwave : create a new 24bit wav - possible?

In Goldwave (v6.50, 2020), it is possible to open a PCM signed 24 bit wav file. But it looks it is not possible to create a new (empty) wav file with PCM signed 24 bit wav file. I can't find an ...
imida k's user avatar
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How do I mass-modify the bit rate of WAV files?

I have about 200-250 WAV files that I need to work with in Unreal Editor for a game mod. The editor wouldn't accept WAV files with a bit rate higher than 768 kbps. Annoyingly, the WAV files are mostly ...
Anindito Wibisono's user avatar
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Wave file numerical metadata

Why is all the numerical metadata not stored as ASCII characters? For example, to find the sampling rate, which starts at byte 24, you have to read four bytes and the perform some endian swaps and bit ...
user1171364's user avatar
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WebM With a Still Image and an Audio

How can I join together a cover and a music into WebM with the best audio quality using ffmpeg? I really can't figure it out.
Monsieur Pierre Doune's user avatar
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Sox: Read wav and get pulse as 1 and silence as 0 and the duration of it in microseconds

The title of this question is already very clear I quess. I want to read a wav file and get pulses as 1 and silence as 0 and the duration of it in microseconds. The reason is this, I have recorded a ...
Codebeat's user avatar
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Why does piped FFMPEG output differ from an explicit file?

The following creates files that have very slightly different toplevel definitions. Why? $ ffmpeg -f lavfi -i "sine=frequency=1000:duration=1" infile.mp3 $ ffmpeg -i infile.mp3 -f wav - > piped....
Ian Hunter's user avatar
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ffmpeg Add audio (wav) to video (mp4) without reencoding video

I was just wondering how to add audio while keeping the pre-existing audio on the video intact: I have done some research and it seems there was a similar question here: Add audio to video using ...
John Smith's user avatar
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In FFmpeg .wav to .wav conversion Header files are not matching

By using below command changing the channel map but after successful run input wav file header is not matching with an output ffmpeg -i in.wav -af "channelmap=13|14|15|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12" ...
Varada's user avatar
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"ffmpeg -ss" supported formats for accurate seeking? mp3 does not appear to work, only .wav

ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00 -i 'input.mp3' -to 00:25:00 -c copy output.mp3 I noticed while scripting that this particular script that it works for mp3 files but not for .wav files. What happens is it copies (...
Nathan's user avatar
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ffmpeg - How to prevent innacurate duration when converting from pcm to wav?

I have the following command: ffmpeg -f f32le -ar 44100 -channels 2 -i input.pcm -y -acodec pcm_s16le -f wav output.wav input.pcm is the pcm data that comes from a 2 seconds wav file. However, when ...
Maxime Dupré's user avatar
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How to encode into WAV ADPCM?

How to encode WAV PCM into WAV with ADPCM encoding? I tried FFmpeg. I can see from the old FFmpeg codec list, that it previously supported encoding into adpcm_adx, adpcm_ima_qt, adpcm_ima_wav, ...
Andriy Makukha's user avatar
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R language issue with mp32wav

A stupid question. I'm trying this bioacoustic example but get troubled when trying to convert the downloaded files from mp3 to wav. I get the famous "Cannot allocate vector of size..." or R simply ...
Pedro Perez's user avatar
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How to convert raw PCM data to a valid WAV file with ffmpeg?

I run this command: ffmpeg -f f32le -i pipe:0 -f wav pipe:1 ffmpeg version 4.1-tessus Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers built with Apple LLVM version 10.0.0 (...
Maxime Dupré's user avatar
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Low conversion quality using ffmpeg to merge audio and video

This is what I'm using to merge audio and video in my C# Win From Application and it works fine, but the video bit rate is very low. I'd like to keep the bit rate as it was for the original video, how ...
musicinmusic's user avatar
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How can I break the WAV file into multiple WAV files each containing one word [closed]

I have a WAV file of a human reading simple sentences ("hello world"). How can I break the WAV file into multiple WAV files each containing one word ("hello" and "world") by automatically recognizing ...
Umbaa's user avatar
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How to convert mp3 to wav without losing metadata?

How can I convert an mp3 file to wav without losing metadata in ffmpeg? This happens whether I convert from mp3 or if I'm re-encoding a wav file, it doesn't make a difference. I tried adding -...
Emdosis's user avatar
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Extracting metadata from wav files

I was curious if there is a way to extract metadata from wav files. For instance, can you get bpm, key, instrument, etc. from a .wav file on upload?
Cody Rutscher's user avatar
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Concatenate and loop MP3 files

I want to concatenate and loop 3 MP3 files. grammaraudio1.mp3 grammaraudio2.mp3 grammarsudio3.mp3 The output file must loop the first MP3 file five times, then the second one 5 times, etc. Can I ...
Jake Mackenzie's user avatar
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FFmpeg - convert WebM/Opus to WAV or FLAC in single step?

I want to create WAV and FLAC audio files from WebM files with Opus audio streams, and I want to do so without further degrading the audio. I am currently using a 2-step process as follows (WAV ...
bryman79's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the loudest sound that can be stored in a .wav file?

Is there a limit on how loud an audio file can be? There probably is a limit to stop people from breaking their ears, but I don't know what it is.
alph's user avatar
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How to view the periodogram or FFT of a WAV file in Audacity?

I’m trying to visualize the periodogram (or the Fourier transform (FFT)) of a WAV file (not a spectrogram produced by a sliding window). Is it possible to do this using Audacity?
Oleg Melnikov's user avatar
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FFmpeg concat demuxer is changing bitrate

I am using the concat demuxer to concat some wav files. ffmpeg -safe 0 concat -i files.txt -c copy output.wav files.txt stores files as: file 'C:\Users\folderpath\input1.wav' file 'C:\Users\...
Ashley Guinan's user avatar
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arecord: Create large (7 days) audio recording

For a scientific experiment, we're trying to create a large (7 day) audio recording using arecord from alsa on a RasPi using a USB microphone. The pipeline for the recording is as follows: arecord -f ...
malexmave's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Audacity as a simple sample editor?

It's a weird question but here's my workflow. I want to be able to open a WAV file from other DAWs, like Ableton or Reason in Audacity. Apply some effects and maybe do some slicing, then get the ...
Johnny Bigoode's user avatar
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route live audio output to live .wav file

i found this nice visualisation program: i really like it, but it can only play *.wav files in the same folder as the program executable is. but i want to ...
Msprg's user avatar
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shntool splits .wav files at the wrong split points

I am on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and I am using the most recent version of the Oh My ZSH shell. I am using shntool (specifically shnsplit) from the terminal to split .wav files for albums into separate ...
user2073068's user avatar
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How can I delete .wav metadata without changing any of its features?

I have to delete additional info from .wav header so it can be processed by another program. After some search I have tried to use ffmpeg, for example: ffmpeg -y -i $filename -map_metadata -1 -codec ...
Maxim Gaina's user avatar
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Lossless conversion from wav 24bits to flac

Is it possible to have a lossless conversion from a wav file Stream #0:0: Audio: pcm_s24le ([1][0][0][0] / 0x0001), 48000 Hz, 1 channels, s32, 1152 kb/s to a wav file ? I tried using ffmpeg : ffmpeg -...
Narthe's user avatar
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