Questions tagged [wildcards]

Wildcards in computer programming are symbols that can stand for any number of different points of data. Using wildcards in a query will return more results that standard parameters.

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Can I use a wildcard for a directory with a randomized numeric name?

I am making a tool that is for editing the shortcuts for games in a Steam library, but the problem I face is that the shortcuts file path differs per user. In the path to the file, there is the users ...
Mr. Mendelli's user avatar
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4 answers

PowerShell: How do I append a prefix to all files in a directory?

Currently I'm using cmdlets like: dir | rename-item -NewName {$ -replace "-","_"} But now I need to add a prefix to the filename for all files in the directory. I can't predict how long each ...
Giffyguy's user avatar
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Is it possible to create global .lnk Windows' files? [duplicate]

I tried to research for this, but nothing was clear to me. I'm a true newbie when talking about coding, as it has been a while I don't work with it. All I've found was VB, and some weird hex registry ...
K0media's user avatar
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Wildcards in the exceptions to Thunderbird's remote content rules

I would like to prevent remote content to load by default, so I have not checked Privacy -> Mail Content -> Allow remote content in messages. To the right of that option, there is a button for ...
joelostblom's user avatar
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Linux Wildcard Random instead of Alphabetical Order? [closed]

Is it possible to use the * operator in Linux randomly instead of in alphabetical order? For example, if I run cat *, it will use cat in alphabetical order. Is it possible for it to run * in random ...
anonymous's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a method in Microsoft Word to search and replace strings "01" , "02" , "03" with strings "1" "2" "3", etc.?

I am designer creating an event calendar. Each listing includes an event title, description, date and time. The data has been retrieved from a database and brought into Excel where the date and time ...
Alex's user avatar
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Unexpected behavior with word find and replace for `?{1,2}`. Matching long strings of characters

Question relates to word's find and replace with wildcards enabled (quasi regex). According to this microsoft page: ? represents any single character (like . in regex) {n,m} represents a defined ...
Some_Guy's user avatar
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Excel search for ~* or ~? sequence

A previous question (link below) concerns how to search for the star and question mark characters in Excel. This can be done by entering ~* or ~? in the 'Find What' field. My question, then, is how ...
Tim Staniford's user avatar
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replace mysql_num_rows($result); with $result->num_rows;

I am in the process of changing old mysql code with mysqli. I am using notepad++ to do this since it is much faster than using dreamweaver IMO. I need a regex find and replace that would do this for ...
Cesar Bielich's user avatar
2 votes
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microsoft word case insensitive find and replace with wildcards

When enabling the wildcards option in a find and replace operation, it automatically becomes case sensitive. Is there a way to allow a wildcard search such that something like: example*find*and*...
Some_Guy's user avatar
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Check if wildcard covers given path in powershell

I'm trying to figure out how to test in PowerShell if a wildcard in command-line notation would be triggered for a given path. To be clear I have something like this: For ($exception in $Exceptions) {...
SOReader's user avatar
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How to replace formatting of "0 or more characters" (*) wildcard in MS Word?

Suppose I'm searching/replacing the "0 or more characters" wildcard (*) in Word (in my case, Word 2010). I want to replace that * wildcard with the exact same text in each instance, but with modified ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
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how to expand filenames on command line [duplicate]

I'm using a batch file to execute an awk program and feed it filenames. Question: How do I get it to expand the filenames on the command line? Syntax: Command.exe *.rpt > out.txt Exact: "C:\...
BWhite's user avatar
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How to search in Word for spaces that are on the beginning of a new line

I have the following issue. I recently wrote a macro that allows me to replace all TAB insertions in a text with a space. This is a must as in the frame I am working in, as it happens a lot (context: ...
Noir's user avatar
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How to delete folders with common string windows batch

I have a directory of of subdirectories as such: test1_2015_1 test1_2015_2 test1_2013_1 test1_2013_1 test1_2012_3 test1_2015_1 test1_2016_1 I want to delete all folders with containing "2015". I ...
arabian_albert's user avatar
3 votes
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Making microsoft word replace work with wildcards?

I am editing a huge document and using the wildcard search of . [A-z] and finding what lines do not have a double space after the period. This works great. How do I easily do a replace command that ...
user3466986's user avatar
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Seeingly simple Word 2013 wildcard search and replace

I have a lot of references that I want to reformat the current format is Hambrick, D., & Frederickson, J. 2005. Are you sure you have a strategy? Academy of Management Executive, 19(4): 51-62. ...
user1769925's user avatar
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How to change all sentence case words into uppercase in word 2013 using wildcards

How can I change all sentence case words into uppercase in word 2013 using wildcards or using the Find and Replace feature? Examples: Convert Hello to HELLO Convery Balloon to BALLOON
Jabir Jabi's user avatar
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Trying to find-and-replace asterisk with the × sign in expressions of the kind 10×5^6

I'm trying to find-and-replace the asterisk with the × sign in expressions of the kind 10*5^6 in MS Word 2007. In order to find such expressions first, I tried using [0-9]*[0-9] But instantly ...
CopperKettle's user avatar
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Trying to find-and-replace decimal commas with decimal points in MS Word 2007

I'm trying to replace decimal commas with decimal points in my MS Word 2007. The document clearly has numbers with decimal commas, for instance, 100,5%. I'm using the following line in "find": ([...
CopperKettle's user avatar
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How can I find & replace a comma with a space when it appears in a certain pattern?

How can use find and replace in Notepad++ to find all instances of the following pattern, and replace the comma with a space? (I'll write it out, and then show and example.) 2-digit number colon 2-...
Rick Dickson's user avatar
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Excel 2013 Wildcards on specific range and Sumif

I'm trying to use a wildcard limited to a specific range within a Sumif function. Example: I got these codes: ABC-1 ABC-2 ABC-3 ABC-4 ABC-5 ABC-6 And I want to SUMIF from ABC-3 to ABC-5. I found ...
Vicente Gre's user avatar
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3 answers

Word Wildcard Search and Replace Formula Elements

(vn = vp = 0) Does anyone know if its possible to search and replace in Word, using Wildcards, to italicize the vn = vp ? Also, the same search and replace but v1 = vp , with the subscript numbers ...
Peter Amirault's user avatar
2 votes
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bash find list of archived files with wildcard in while loop

I have a few thousand gzipped text files in different subdirectories and used a subset of these files as input for a project a few years ago. Back then I had an unzipped copy of the files I actually ...
Carambakaracho's user avatar
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How to wild-card search/replace in a Specific Area of code in Notepad++

again, I need to automate some content prepping of enormous docs. Here's the sample of what I have: <style tag> Name Description Name ------ --------------------...
Kris K's user avatar
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How to install every printer (with wildcard) from PrintServer

is there a quick and easy way to install every printer from a print server over a console like PowerShell? Add-Printer from PowerShell does not support Wildcards. I tried it with Get-Printer and ...
RogerSik's user avatar
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Replace "bla": "*" to "bla": * with wildcards Word 2016

I've a lot of data in my Word file in I'll to replace some content. The content I'll replace is show in example below: // original data I'll replace { "nummer": "1", "jaar": "2010", "...
H. Pauwelyn's user avatar
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exclude specific strings of words using wildcards

I cannot seem to come up with the appropriate wildcard (I suppose it must be [!]) which would exclude from the expression argument[oales]{1,4} the following three words argumentos argumenta ...
GJC's user avatar
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6 answers

Using a wildcard in a condition to match the beginning of a string

Trying to have a variable meet a string of text that varies by length. The part of the string that matters is the first couple of characters. var1=hello if [ $var1 == hello ]; then echo ...
EAG08's user avatar
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How to work around the impossibility to find zero or more occurrencies in Microsoft Word?

How would you proceed about the following find and replace in Microsoft Word? Find what? D.Lgs. (that can be any combination of lower or upper case, plus the dots may or may not be there, i.e. I ...
user avatar
4 votes
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How to specify a space as part of a wildcard string for bulk renaming of files

I have approximately 1200 songs in a folder whose filenames are structured as follows: artist_name - song_name.mp3 For example: Billy Joel - Piano Man.mp3 The Beatles - Nowhere Man.mp3 I'd like to ...
Ed S.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Using wildcard in unix find command's path

This command with a * in the find path works fine on the local server Svr1$ find /path/*/foo/ -name "*20160208" When I try this remotely from another server it doesn't work Svr2$ echo $Pswd|ssh ...
LLJ's user avatar
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Batch file to delete files from wildcard folder

How do I create a batch file that deletes files from multiple directories? D:\L1\asdasda\L3\*.txt D:\L1\dfghfghfh\L3\*.txt D:\L1\tyutyugj\L3\*.txt D:\L1\ytrtyrty\L3\*.txt Like: D: del "d:\L1\*\L3\*....
Andrew Lay's user avatar
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What does asterisk "*" mean in a unix PATH environment variable?

Example: # echo $PATH /home/admin*:*/bin I assume it's a wildcard of some sort, but is it one level deep, or many? For example, will */bin match only items in usr/bin or will it also match deeper ...
Matt Woelk's user avatar
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Specific use case for wildcards in Notepad++

I'm trying to prep HTML code for further editing in WYSIWYG editor and I want to simplify the process as much as possible. Here's an example of my string <p>C P U xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</p> ...
Kris K's user avatar
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Excel Find+Replace lowercase after a certain character

I have a column that requires specific formatting for summaries of articles. Everything after a : should appear as an uppercase for consitency Example 1 - Markets: Comment on Ugandan Shilling ...
Dizrali's user avatar
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Word 2010 wildcard search - Find text in format ABC.DEF.XYZ

I am trying to find text in Word 2010 in the following format: ABC.DEF.XYZ. This is essentially finding code references, using Java syntax, written into the word document. Please note that a 3-...
zakaluka's user avatar
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Windows CMD: "dir *.cpp" wildcard matches "main.cpp_" and "main.cpp2" [duplicate]

Here is the content of the directory: λ dir /b "..\src\" main.c main.c_ main.c2 main.cpp main.cpp_ main.cpp2 This works as expected: λ dir /b "..\src\*.c" main.c This doesn't: λ dir /b "..\src\*....
raphaelh's user avatar
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10 votes
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Wildcards in uBlock websites not working

I use uBlock0 on Firefox 40.0.2 and I the filter * in "My Filters" does not remove the element. When I replace *.stackexchangewith academia.stackexchange, ...
Konrad Höffner's user avatar
2 votes
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How to use wildcards to find the years between 1900 and now

I want to know the number of times that any year from 1900 through the current year is mentioned in a Word file. I know how to use a wildcard expression to do this in two steps as follows: <(19[...
RJo's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to remove certain files types from certain folders using wild cards. within a command prompt / batch file

I have a files I need to remove within a certain file structure from a certain directory but have multiple directories but within the structure there is a defining folder. e:\archive\ *\3 WIP\ *...\ *...
Mr B's user avatar
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ProFTPd overwrite directory setting when globbing

I have lots of folders and I want to apply some settings (hide files) to almost all of them, but there are 2 folders where I want different settings. proftpd.conf: <Directory /shared/A/> ...
Nick's user avatar
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Using wildcard in notepad++ to replace a very specific range of entries/values

Well I'm trying to find out how to use wildcards in order to change a quite specific value, mainly in xml files. Here is an example of how the file looks: <skill skill_name="alchemy_s18" ...
Zorkel's user avatar
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Find and replace by a single dot several series of two dots attached to the end of words

I want to replace every series of two dots in a document by a single dot, excluding the cases where there are three dots in a row, i.e., the written ellipsis (...). Yet, the series of two dots always ...
GJC's user avatar
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Find and replace {0,} occurrences in Word

Are there any alternatives to the concept {0,} which is not allowed in MS Word? For example, if I wanted to replace, by a single abbreviation, the next five terms: articul articulo articula ...
GJC's user avatar
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cmd has wildcard bug? [duplicate]

Files in folder: a.j abc.jpg abcd.jpeg dir command results: Command Result (Files shown) ---------- -------------------- dir ?.* a.j dir ??.* a.j, dir ???.* a.j, ...
Živka Blažević's user avatar
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Refer to Wildcard in File Name

I know I can use a wildcard to extract files with names of a specific format in bash using the asterisk, like so: $ ls a01 a02 a03 a04 a05 a06 a07 a08 a09 b01 ...
kumowoon1025's user avatar
4 votes
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Microsoft Word Wildcards to Find Any Dates of a certain form

I am editing a very large document (~200 pages), with multiple dates on each page. I am looking to use MS Word's wildcard function in the find-and-replace feature to remove these. Some examples of ...
Will Pike's user avatar
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Find text and replace paragraph as a style

I'm working with a large document in Word that was converted from .pdf so any outline formatting was stripped out. I'm looking to run find replace where I'm looking for wildcard "[A-Z]. " and want to ...
Karen927's user avatar
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How can I do find and replace parenthesis surrounded text with regex on Microsoft Word

I have a document that has (TL by user) all over the place. I'd like to replace this with nothing (thereby deleting it everywhere) but the user could be different or there could be many users (TL by ...
irregular's user avatar
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