Questions tagged [word-wrap]

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4 votes
2 answers

Set Word-wrap on as default in DBeaver

I want to have word-wrap on by default in Dbeaver. There is an answer showing how to toggle word-wrap, but I don't want to do it each time I open Dbeaver :-)
-1 votes
1 answer

wrap text feature in Excel changed / inconsistent behaviour

Excel's "wrap text" (german: Textumbruch) behaviour seems to have changed. Whitespace at the end of the cell used to be cut off (not transferred to the new line) if "wrap text" is ...
9 votes
6 answers

Prevent Excel to automatically "Wrap text" in a cell

Let's say we have a spreadsheet with all rows having the same default height. In a cell, let's write Hello ALT+ENTER World. I indeed sometimes need to enter multi-line text in a cell, to write some ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to limit the number of characters per line in a cell in excel 2016

I am trying to combine multiple cells into one, however when combining, I can only have 55 characters per line. Is there a way to create a word wrap that will keep my data to 55 characters per line?
6 votes
4 answers

How to make Word Wrap insert newlines in Notepad++

I know kate has a feature that automatically breaks a line with a newline if the line exceeds beyond a certain number of characters like 80. Notepad++ has a word wrap feature under the Views table, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Notepad++ define line-break (word wrap) rules

When in Notepad++ word wrap is enabled, long lines are broken according to some of the following rules: After a whitespace character Before a forward slash Otherwise, if necessary, in the middle of ...
28 votes
1 answer

Wrapping long bash commands in script files

How do you wrap a long command to the next line within a bash script file? As a simple example, I want to run the command pushd . && cd /foo/bar && ls && popd From the ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to wrap lines of code in Rstudio IDE?

Is there a feature to wrap code in the code window of RStudio IDE? Note I am not talking about programming, but rather working with the software called RStudio (IDE). I have a pretty long line of ...
0 votes
0 answers

VSCode word wrap is always a character off

I'm editing a line of text in a .tex file with word wrap turned on. When I reach the end of a line, it goes beyond the visible width of the editor by a single character so that the word wrap seems ...
0 votes
1 answer

Notepad row count inconsistent before and after enabling *and then* un-enabling word wrap

I have a CSV file that contains 10,001 rows (10,000 rows of data and one row for the headers). When opening it in Notepad, scrolling to the very bottom, and clicking on the last row, I get "3659&...
2 votes
2 answers

How can I disable text wrap (in the middle of words) for a WHOLE powerpoint presentation at once?

There is an issue with Microsoft Powerpoint, which can occur when an Asian-language user saves a file, and then a non Asian-language user opens said file. The problem is that text gets wrapped in ...
1 vote
0 answers

Stop wrapping in the middle of words?

Has anHas anyone had the issue in MS Powerpoint 2010 where text boxes wrap text in the middle of words regardless of turning "Wrap text in the middle of Latin text" off in the Home>...
1 vote
2 answers

Inserting a cell in Word table, that shifts the last cell onto the next row ... Can it be done?

I have a Word document in which I have a succession of cells, arranged in alphabetical order reading across. It is six cells wide by however long it goes down. What I want to be able to do, is add ...
0 votes
0 answers

How do I set all text boxes in a pptx slide template to word wrap (Asian typography issue)?

My problem is similar to the one described here: How to set a textbox to wrap a word to the next line in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016? The solution is available in the comment to the accepted answer ...
0 votes
1 answer

Excel 2010 Formatting Challenge

I am having problems with cells not automatically expanding with wrapped text in Excel 2010. My rows contain simple formulas pulling data from another worksheet and the rows are formatted with ...
1 vote
2 answers

Cannot backspace across wrapped lines in terminal

Suppose your terminal window is 80 columns wide and you run a python script containing only: print("x" * 81 + "\b\by") You would expect the output to be a line full of x except for the last one, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Wrap tab-right-aligned text on the right margin in Microsoft Word

I want text with a dot leader and right align tab to wrap on the right margin. Word will wrap a long line to the left, like this: You Are the New Day, We Are the New Day......John David, arr. Peter ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Hard line wrapping in vim without joining in insert mode

Very new to vim. Found a useful post here that explains how to get automatic hard line breaks while in insert mode. This had unintended consequences. For example, suppose I start a new .txt file. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can thunderbird wrap quoted messages automatically in plain text mode?

My setting for replying in Thunderbird is 'plain text', which I find handiest for replying between the quoted lines starting with '>' (and replies to replies with '>>' and so on). When I reply to an ...
6 votes
1 answer

Line wrap not working in tmux

I am using konsole-4.14.3, tmux-2.6 and my shell is bash. Outside tmux, line wrapping work perfectly and the text is moved to the next line. In tmux, this does not work though. I googled for a long ...
5 votes
1 answer

How to disable word wrapping in Sublime Text 3?

In Sublime Text 2 there was a menu option to disable word wrapping, now it seems the word wrapping is forced without the ability to disable it. I've tried to set: "word_wrap": false in User's Syntax ...
1 vote
1 answer

Wrap text without CRLF in Notepad++

I have a very long text line (160000 characters). Is possible to view it in 1600 characters lines? I need to view it in lines without inserting CR, LF or CRLF at the end of every line (TextFX - ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I set text wrapping on an Excel chart in Word 2007?

I'd like to apply square text wrapping to an Excel chart inserted into my document. The normal options don't seem to exist. Is there any way of doing this other than inserting the chart into a textbox?...
3 votes
1 answer

Hard wrapping in vim without joining

Vim newbie here. How can I hard wrap plain text in vim (inserting actual linebreaks), respecting word boundaries, without joining existing lines? For example, given this: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,...
2 votes
1 answer

Wrap selection around ... in Notepad++

Is there any way to wrap the selected text in ',",),},],> or around any symbol in Notepad++? I have looked around all of the plugins but there is nothing similar to what Textmate or eclipse can do.
4 votes
2 answers

How to fix vim textwidth during editing?

When editing files that I limit in my .vimrc to tw=80, when I come back to edit them later, the line-lengths end up all over the place. e.g. lets say for the sake of argument that this line hits 80 ...
1 vote
1 answer

how to permanently change the default wrapping for HTML files in Aquamacs?

The default wrapping for HTML files in Aquamacs (Options -> Line Wrapping) is set to Break Lines (AutoFill) at 70. I can change it, e.g. to Wrap, per buffer (file). But this doesn't change it for ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to get par formatter to not mangle paragraphs with non-space character prefixes, suffixes?

I can't get the par formatter to do what I want, specifically with automated prefixes and suffixes. Details: My .vimrc excerpt: set formatprg=par\ -w72reqh map t gqip This example input-to-par text ...
1 vote
2 answers

Printing from Notepad++ without word wrap

Is it possible to print from Notepad++ without word wrap? If so, please explain how. (Background: When I print blocks of code, I need word wrap turned off because the indentation of the code is more ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a way in notepad++ to turn on word wrap for specific file types

When using notepad++, I want my .xml files to have word wrap turned on, while keeping it off for all my other files. Is this possible/is there a plugin for it?
0 votes
3 answers

How to turn off wordwrap in Microsoft word 2003

Such a basic requirement is not found in any of the menus.
0 votes
0 answers

Change the color for a keyword in Vim for ALL filetypes

I'm using &showbreak=repeat(' ', 5) to add indentation to wordwrapped lines. What I WANT to do is add a bright red >>>> instead. How would I change all >>>> occurrences ...
1 vote
3 answers

Turning word wrap on in Notepad++ with 4MB+ text files makes it intolerably slow, how to fix?

When I edit long text files in Notepad++ (4MB) and turn the word wrap on, it causes about a second delay between typing a letter and seeing it appear, rendering the editor in this mode practically ...