7 votes

How can I tell if a JPEG was saved as Progressive?

If you're on a unix, use the file command: $ file image.jpg image.jpg: JPEG image data, Exif standard: [TIFF image data, little-endian, direntries=0], progressive, precision 8, 2000x1200, components 3
Mark's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I configure Adobe Bridge so that it uses MS Paint to edit images?

How can I configure Adobe Bridge so that it uses MS Paint to edit images? As per the help documentation: Change file type associations Selecting the application to open a specific file type affects ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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In a multi-user environment, where is Adobe Bridge Metadata stored?

How does AB actually store its metadata? It's stored in the file itself, or in a separate "sidecar" file: Metadata information is stored using the Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 157k
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Is there a way to copy the file path of an asset in Adobe Bridge?

Script found on the Adobe community post Copy Path Context Menu: #target bridge if( BridgeTalk.appName == "bridge" ) { bridgePath = new MenuElement("command", "Path to Clipboard", "at the end ...
harrymc's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I tell if a JPEG was saved as Progressive?

For future generations - there is a simpler way. Just check it with Irfanview. Click on Image->Information.
Hexodus's user avatar
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