4 votes

ISP for audio streaming: Dynamic IP vs. Static IP

Assuming that the ISP that provides a dynamic IP renews every 72 hours Renewing a dynamic IP address is not the same as changing a dynamic IP address. With good ISPs, even if you obtain the dynamic ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
4 votes

Dynamic IP addresses:is there a fix for blacklisting?

Is there anything I can do, myself, to deal with the blacklisting services... Yes, you can work with each blacklist by following their instructions for removing the IP address from their list. Most ...
I say Reinstate Monica's user avatar
2 votes

How to remote access using command line to a computer using dynamic IP?

If you want to connect you have 2 main options: Use your own server to get around NAT, for this you would use reverse SSH tunneling, either direct to your machine if you are not behind NAT, or to a ...
jrtapsell's user avatar
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Simplest way to check for dynamic IP change

(Technically this ought to be a comment under Marcks Thomas's answer, but I don't have the rep for that here.) For readers in 2021 and beyond, https://icanhazip.com/ is still online, works perfectly ...
Andron's user avatar
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Can you have static leases without DHCP?

Yes, make your dhcp pool have 0 addresses but leave the static list. Most enterprise equipment and servers allow for this. Standard SOHO routers generally do not let you have no dhcp range when dhcp ...
acejavelin's user avatar
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How do I use dynamic IP for a server?

It is definitely possible to run a server on dynamic IP - You'll need a dynamic dns service for that. Most domain registrars provide such a service, whether it's paid or free or included in the price ...
Chris's user avatar
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I want to cut out "no-ip" et al, is GnuDIP what I need?

Depending on your domain provider, you might be able to cut out needing to use a separate service for dynamic DNS GNU DIP looks like a dynamic DNS server. You need a client. This is a tool for ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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Simplest way to check for dynamic IP change

The previous answers excluding the PS implementation, don't actually tell you if the IP has changed. (I want to love PowerShell. Ryan has done a good job of identifying why I don't: execution security ...
Andrew Dennison's user avatar
1 vote

Can I connect to a dynamic ip without a DDNS

You indicate that the public IP address that websites report and the WAN IP address your router reports are different. This means you are behind carrier-grade NAT. You will not be able to receive ...
Daniel B's user avatar
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Dynamic IP addresses:is there a fix for blacklisting?

Dynamic IP addresses should not be used to directly send email in any event. If you need to send email from a dynamic IP address you should be sending it through an authenticated connection to an ...
DustWolf's user avatar
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TP-Link Different Dynamic Public IP for every LAN port – Possible?

Each device on your network requires a unique address to communicate. Most home routers include a DHCP server that assigns an individual IP address to each LAN device. Just set up the desired range ...
Zac67's user avatar
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Interface IP in public range, incorrect IP sent to noip

Based on your story, my guess is that your operator has a proxy in place for mobile data speed optimization (something that reduces image sizes for example). This means your HTTP traffic will go ...
mtak's user avatar
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is our dynamic IP causing our mail to go into spam, despite clean mailserver?

Usually only nearest external (untrusted) sender node checked for blacklist (looking at Your mail headers it probably ms11.webland.ch ([]) ) May be other headers checked also You can ...
Mikhail Moskalev's user avatar
1 vote

Can I set-up an .com domain with apache on a personal server with dynamic ip?

Yes, this is achievable and all you'd need to do is create a CNAME record in your .com admin console to point to your DDNS domain name. I've never tried it but I wonder if you may have bproblems ...
Kinnectus's user avatar
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App having access to dynamic IP DMZ host in home network

Your router from your ISP is likely a level 3 switch (router and switch in one device). Between switches and routers, the MAC addresses from each device are shared. Switches make a MAC address table ...
Shankensteinium's user avatar
1 vote

Ways of dealing with dynamic IP

For the first purpose i think buy a static IP or Professional Subscription to you're ISP. Another solution exist. You can create a dynamic DNS on a website like No-Ip for the example. You can ...
Mayuri S's user avatar
1 vote

How can I update dynamic IP from pfsense box, using my own DNS server?

You have to have a DNS server that supports dynamic IP. AFAIK, there's no single way that the address update works against the DNS server. I've seen it implemented in lots of different ways. edit ...
Xavier J's user avatar
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Simplest way to check for dynamic IP change

In response to OP: "Am I missing some simple and elegant way to retrieve my public IP and check if it has changed?" A really simple answer is don't. Just periodically update your IP. It seems ...
Andrew Dennison's user avatar

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