48 votes

Cannot install python-pip with yum

You have to enable the EPEL repo, use: yum --enablerepo=extras install epel-release This command will install the correct EPEL repository for the CentOS version you are running. After this you will ...
Zina's user avatar
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32 votes

How to run pip in non-interactive mode?

There is a --yes option specifically for the uninstall command. Calling pip uninstall --yes <some-package> uninstalls the package without asking for confirmation. For installing, piping in ...
Oliver Bestwalter's user avatar
20 votes

How to fix "Permission Denied" in Git Bash in Windows 10?

Try the command PY instead of Python # Invoking The Interpreter (python.org)
vssher's user avatar
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19 votes

Re-scan python libraries after pip install in Visual Studio Code

I have found that you can do ctrl + shift + p and select Python: Restart language server.
Coder_fox's user avatar
  • 338
16 votes

The script is installed in directory, which is not PATH

The answer to how can you fix it is in the very log you've posted. Add the location c:\users\рубена\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\Scripts to the Python path directory. Rather than replicate ...
Stese's user avatar
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14 votes

Find outdated/updatable pip packages

Thing is, I never upgrade all packages. I upgrade only what I need, because projects may break. Because there was no easy way to upgrade package by package and update the requirements.txt file, I ...
Simion Agavriloaei's user avatar
14 votes

Can't install anything on pip

For those who encounter this and need to use Python 3.8+, make sure to update you setuptools to version 42.0.0 (or later). pip install --upgrade setuptools
roberto's user avatar
  • 241
14 votes

Why pip throwing an error when installing numpy in Termux?

Use: MATHLIB="m" pip3 install numpy
xuziyue's user avatar
  • 306
13 votes

The script is installed in directory, which is not PATH

For Windows, follow these steps: Go to File Explorer.  Navigate to C: → Users → (your user name) → AppData → Local → Programs → Python → Python38-32 (your python version) → Scripts Copy this path, e....
Tamanna Srivastava's user avatar
11 votes

Cannot install python-pip with yum

I was going crazy about the same issue. The reason why yum couldn't find python-pip was that it is not called python-pip anymore. Starting with EPEL Version 7 it is renamed to identify the python ...
Michael Aicher's user avatar
10 votes

Find outdated/updatable pip packages

Simple output: pip list --outdated See also docs on pip list --outdated option. Pretty output: pip install pip-check pip-check
Pikamander2's user avatar
10 votes

pip - Get long description of uninstalled package?

pip does not provide this functionality. Hovewer, 1. there is a cool package named yolk that can query PyPI repositories for metadata of available packages. 2. PyPI offers a JSON API that can be ...
hoefling's user avatar
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8 votes

The script is installed in directory, which is not PATH

For me, the solution posted by Stese didn't work and wasn't helpful at all, thus I am posting it to update the thread and help the community. For those using MAC-OS Solution 1: Despite I had ...
Caio Oliveira's user avatar
7 votes

No Ansible config file or /etc/ansible directory after trying pip and yum install

Ansible works fine from any directory. You don't need to use /etc/ansible. Install Ansible from pip Create work directory with recommended structure Use -i to point your current inventory (testing or ...
Alexey Vazhnov's user avatar
7 votes

The 'pip==9.0.3' distribution was not found and is required by the application

Most likely your pip crashed due to missing dependencies. Try reinstalling pip. sudo easy_install pip==9.0.3
SAUJ's user avatar
  • 171
7 votes

Upgrade/update yt-dlp via pip?

It depends on how you installed it. If you installed it via pip, use: pip install --upgrade yt-dlp otherwise use: yt-dlp -U
eavsteen's user avatar
6 votes

Cannot install python-pip with yum

The CentOS Docker image doesn't include the EPEL repository by default, as a regular CentOS installation does. You should yum install epel-release first -- after that, yum install python-pip should ...
jjlin's user avatar
  • 15.8k
6 votes

SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED error in a docker container

adding RUN apt-get install ca-certificates to my Dockerfile worked for me.
Matt's user avatar
  • 403
6 votes

how do i install pip in cygwin?

In CYGWIN it is best to install packages via the CYGWIN installation program. Even for other installation packages like pip. Run the CYGWIN installation program again. Select the pip package you want....
Dan Sp.'s user avatar
  • 201
6 votes

vscode & pipenv - pipenv not found

I solved this issue by providing an absolute path to my pipenv binary for the vscode setting python.pipenvPath. The default setting of "pipenv" does not appear to work, despite pipenv being part of my ...
MattLBeck's user avatar
  • 176
5 votes

pip not working on hombrew python 2.7 install

If brew is managing your python install and pip is no longer symlinked (i.e. you type "which pip" and get no results) try this from your home directory: brew unlink python && brew link python ...
GrayedFox's user avatar
  • 151
5 votes

python3-pip installed but pip3 command not found?

I ran into this problem and found the solution. The python3-pip package installed a pip-3.2 binary. Executing pip-3.2 --version shows: pip 1.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (python 3.2) ...
Joseph Alway's user avatar
5 votes

How to properly install Pipenv on WSL Ubuntu 18.04?

If pipenv installed successfully there will be a short notice like this: The scripts pipenv and pipenv-resolver are installed in '~/.local/bin' which is not on PATH. Consider adding this ...
Biswapriyo's user avatar
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5 votes

Ubuntu 20.04: E: Unable to locate package python-pip

I don't believe python-pip exists anymore in 20.04, looks like it has been removed from the repositories and is removed during the upgrade from 18.04(in my case 19.10) to 20.04. Maybe the ...
Matthew Swanson's user avatar
5 votes

Ubuntu 20.04: E: Unable to locate package python-pip

Use pip3 instead of pip I will assume you are using the Python3 version so you can install pip3 with sudo apt-get install python3-pip then you can install whatever you wanted starting with; pip3 ...
Bill's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes

Python refuses to be recognized in Command Prompt despite multiple attempts to add to PATH

Disclaimer: The following suggestions assume that you have installed Python independently on your system and not as a required part of any other program installation. It assumes you are using "...
Anaksunaman's user avatar
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5 votes

Pip3 not working at all

I figured it out thanks to Anaksunaman in the comments. I followed this post on GitHub, and it worked! It turns out, the problem was exporting the DISPLAY variable for my X-Server that I was using. ...
randomcoder's user avatar
4 votes

pip not working on hombrew python 2.7 install

Not really an answer to the original question, but if anyone ends up here because their Homebrew-installed python/pip are no longer working (i.e. python points to the system python and pip is not ...
bjorgvin's user avatar
4 votes

Why aren't pip-installed executables available from the command line?

There is no virtualenv-tools executable in the virtualenv-tools package, that's why you cannot execute it. It contains a script called virtualenv, which you should be able to execute. Read the ...
David Ferenczy Rogožan's user avatar
4 votes

Removing old files left by attempted pip installation

In general, pip installs packages in one of the /usr/lib/<python-version>/site-packages/ or /usr/local/lib/<python-version>/dist-packages/ (or lib64 instead of lib) directories (for Ubuntu ...
Adalee's user avatar
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