21 votes

How to modify this code to be able to SSH into my server?

The script you found works by counting the number of sshd processes that belong to the user who tries to log in via SSH. If the number is greater than or equal to the limit (1 in your case) then the ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
16 votes

Stop scrolling to the bottom automatically in PuTTY

On PuTTY Configuration window, go to Window page. And uncheck "Reset scrollback on display activity". https://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/htmldoc/Chapter4.html#config-scrollback
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
4 votes

Unrecognised option while using puttygen in Windows cmd

Windows PuTTYgen is mostly GUI only. It seems that you expect it to support the command-line options that Linux console puttygen does. It does not. Instead, you can use WinSCP console, which supports ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
4 votes

Stop scrolling to the bottom automatically in PuTTY

Instead of tail -f you can also use less +F filename to follow the file. Then to stop following use Ctrl+C / Shift+F to toggle between follow mode and manual scrolling. Use Q to quit less.
jnovacho's user avatar
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3 votes

Convert puttygen Ed25519 private key to JKS

I tried with an RSA key and it works fine Until version 7.8, OpenSSH used the OpenSSL 'traditional' (i.e. non-PKCS8) formats for privatekey types RSA, RSA, and ECDSA, but not Ed25519, which uses ...
dave_thompson_085's user avatar
2 votes

Putty password as root or any user access denied

You need to remove # before PermitRootLogin Yes. # means the line becomes a comment and is ignored by sshd. Note that this is a security issue. You should use public/private keys to login. This is ...
pbies's user avatar
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2 votes

Failed to connect to AWS instance in WinSCP. But works for PuTTY

Most likely your server needs rsa-sha2. And you are using up-to-date version of PuTTY, which supports rsa-sha2, but an obsolete version of WinSCP. The support for rsa-sha2 was added in WinSCP 5.20. ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
2 votes

Only single beep for a series of bells in PuTTY

See PuTTY's source code for answer. In case of "PC speaker", it beeps only if at least 50ms elapsed from last beep. https://github.com/github/putty/blob/master/windows/window.c#L5566 if (...
Roman Hocke's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to route all traffic from and to my local PC through an AWS instance using port forwarding?

You have the forwarding mode backwards. "Remote" forwarding causes the server to be the listener; connections would be made to the server address:port (maybe at localhost:6088 from within ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
1 vote

Stop scrolling to the bottom automatically in PuTTY

You can also freeze and resume the terminal using Ctrl-S and Ctrl-Q $ stty -a ...; start = ^Q; stop = ^S; ...
ikegami's user avatar
  • 234
1 vote

I'm unable to connect ssh using putty on my pc, but on other pc I can

"Connection timed out" usually indicates some firewall is blocking the connection. Assuming your VPN provides an unrestricted network path between the PCs, it might be located: on your ...
telcoM's user avatar
  • 4,412
1 vote

PuTTY Key via Connection>SSH>Auth>Credentials does not "take"

That button doesn't open the key – it opens the whole SSH connection, so it only works if you have the server address filled in in the 1st section. (There is no additional step needed to "open&...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
1 vote

CentOS 9 Stream SSH with PuTTy - multiline commands

It's an update to the bash shell, yes. Instead of always processing input line by line, it now requests the terminal (PuTTY in this case) to use "bracketed paste" mode and indicate when text ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
1 vote

can I make ubuntu's terminal program automatically copy to the clipboard selected text and paste on right click?

I'm using xfce with ubuntu. In that terminal you need to check the box: Edit->Preferences->General->Automatically copy selection to clipboard Paste is with middle click. I dunno about paste ...
poleguy's user avatar
  • 171
1 vote

SSH tunnel for VNC not functioning

I ran into this exact issue, now some 12 years ago. Turns out there's a setting in TightVNC under "Access Control" where you have to enable loopback connections, and by default it was ...
Modin's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

SSH does not allow password authentication

Found my answer, leaving it here for posterity. Issue seems to be that there are multiple ssh configs now, and not only /etc/ssh/sshd_config. In my case (ubuntu 22.04) there was a sneaky file /etc/ssh/...
Javier Buzzi's user avatar
1 vote

Troubleshooting "Connection closed by authenticating user andy port 11706 [preauth]"

client-side command & output: $ ssh -p 50022 andy@server andy@server's password: Permission denied, please try again. andy@server's password: The second password prompt also appears ...
Michael's user avatar
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1 vote

How to fix putty/xming Error: Can't open display error

So much time went by since this post and yet, nobody answered it for OP. The DISPLAY variable is the place you want the display to go. 0.0, localhost, are all going to the machine that X11 ...
Señor CMasMas's user avatar
1 vote

How to enable “Local Line Editing” in openssh, like PuTTY?

Run sole cat. The behavior of your tty is now kinda as you want: you can edit a line and cat will read it only upon Enter or Ctrl+d. This is because your shell configures your local terminal ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
1 vote

'Server refused our key' upon attempted connection to Windows Server

Match Group Administrators AuthorizedKeysFile __PROGRAMDATA__/ssh/administrators_authorized_keys Keep in Mind, that 'Administrators' is the localized name of the Adminstrator-Group! In German, for ...
Rolf's user avatar
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1 vote

Applications executed using SSH don't show on remote machine

For a Windows Win32 process to have access to the desktop GUI, it needs to run inside window station "WinSta0". A Win32 process can query which window station it runs in via ...
Markus Kuhn's user avatar

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