13 votes

Windows 11 PC restarted automatically?

To find out the reason for a reboot, use one of the following commands: PowerShell : Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ LogName = 'System'; Id = 41, 1074, 6006, 6605, 6008; } | Format-List Id, ...
harrymc's user avatar
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6 votes

Restart Ubuntu sound processes via command line

Pipewire restart for Ubuntu >= 22.10 Pipewire became the default sound framework since Ubuntu 22.10, so now you need to: systemctl --user restart pipewire.service systemctl --user restart pipewire-...
Ciro Santilli OurBigBook.com's user avatar
5 votes

Windows 11 PC restarted automatically?

Look in the Event Viewer. Section "Windows Logs->System". For each reboot you will find a lot records (Source column says Kernel-Power and/or Kernel-Boot) pertaining to the reboot/startup ...
Tonny's user avatar
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3 votes

App preventing Windows 11 from shutdown

I've upvoted LPChip's answer, because it have sent me the right direction even if his suggestion wasn't the source of the problem. The issue was indeed connected with development - it was/still is an ...
Michal Gow's user avatar
2 votes

Public networks and VPN

Now, if I downloaded and installed any VPN extension to my browser, how does it affect my Public network? Host VPNs do not change anything about the existing networks – they tunnel access to the ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
2 votes

App preventing Windows 11 from shutdown

Given that you say it is a development machine, and the icon is the default icon for Microsoft Visual Studio, you are likely facing one of the things I had happen. During development, your executable ...
LPChip's user avatar
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1 vote

How to make the "Snip saved to clipboard" notifications disappear on reboot?

Windows 10 notifications are stored in "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Notifications\wpndatabase.db". In order to remove the notifications on log off (shutdown/reboot), you need to: ...
VladStepu2001's user avatar
1 vote

Flags for `systemctl reboot`?

$ man systemctl Enter Hit / and type ^ +reboot and hit Enter (There is a single between ^ and +) $ man 2 reboot is mentioned in there.
Hannu's user avatar
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Using "restart-computer" Cmdlet for remote computers using SSH

The simplest answer is that powershell can just invoke the built-in ssh.exe like other shells would: # restart remote server over SSH: ssh.exe user@hostname shutdown -r -t 0 A longer answer is that ...
Cpt.Whale's user avatar
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1 vote

My computer randomly freezes and I've tried anything that I could

Disclaimer: I'm not trying to promote any of these application that I provide. It's just a software that I use for diagnosing my personal's or friend's Laptop/PCs. Also, sorry for my bad English too. ...
jar's user avatar
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