146 votes

How many cores does my Mac have?

From a terminal you can see the difference between the number of physical processors and logical processors using sysctl: $ sysctl hw.physicalcpu hw.logicalcpu hw.physicalcpu: 4 hw.logicalcpu: 8
CortexCompiler's user avatar
107 votes

Cannot make directory '/var/run/screen': Permission denied

Found a solution that doesn't require regular sudo on restarts From 'Eric Z Ma' @ systutorials: The directory /var/run/screen/ is the socket directory for screen. Fortunately, screen reads a ...
Krease's user avatar
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97 votes

"PuTTY key format too new" when using ppk file for PuTTY SSH key authentication

Easy way to fix this issue, please follow the pictures. Step1: Step2:
willie's user avatar
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96 votes

How do I reload .inputrc?

You can also reload new entries from command line using bind -f ~/.inputrc. That will load the entries in .inputrc. Note that it just does a load, not a "reload" - so it doesn't reset any lines you ...
studgeek's user avatar
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80 votes

On Linux/Unix, does .tar.gz versus .zip matter?

Yes, it matters. Actually, it depends. tar.gz Stores unix file attributes: uid, gid, permissions (most notably executable). The default may depend on your distribution, and can be toggled with ...
Quandary's user avatar
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80 votes

How do I find help for point command `.` in *nix?

First of all you should invoke type ., you will probably get something like: . is a shell builtin Builtins are parts of your shell, they don't have their own manual pages. Some of them may seem to ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
79 votes

How do I check version of alpine mail client?

That works even without alpine installed (e.g. in Docker container): $ cat /etc/alpine-release 3.4.6
Artem Skoretskiy's user avatar
76 votes

What is a Matrox GPU and why does my university's UNIX server have one?

General-purpose servers don't need a modern GPU - just enough to show a medium-sized console desktop. They mostly deal with regular CPU computing and networking. Matrox G200 VGAs, however, are ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
60 votes

If Windows 7 doesn't support WSL, then what is "Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications"?

TL;DR There were many Unix subsystems in Windows in the past, providing POSIX APIs for compiling Unix code without porting to Windows WSL is a new subsystem in Windows 10 for running Linux ELF files ...
phuclv's user avatar
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58 votes

How many cores does my Mac have?

What am I missing? Hyperthreading. You have 4 physical cores, but 8 logical ones. For each processor core that is physically present, the operating system addresses two virtual (logical) cores and ...
Daniel Beck's user avatar
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58 votes

Cannot make directory '/var/run/screen': Permission denied

This issue has been documented here. In short, /etc/rcS.d/S70screen-cleanup is running via upstart much earlier than it expects to have run, and is failing to correctly clean up that directory. It ...
Huey's user avatar
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57 votes

Restart Systemd service automatically whenever a directory changes (any file inside it)

Michal Politowski's comment is exactly correct. I use this method to automatically restart services when new artifacts are deployed. It is very helpful. To be clear, you need: srv.service [Unit] ...
John's user avatar
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56 votes

How to execute a command whenever a file changes?

For those who can't install inotify-tools like me, this should be useful: watch -d -t -g ls -lR This command will exit when the output changes, ls -lR will list every file and directory with its ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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54 votes

Compress files from OS X terminal?

To compress the files exactly as the Finder command would compress them, use: ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc --keepParent src_directory archive.zip See man ditto for details: The command: ditto ...
qqbenq's user avatar
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50 votes

How to close a tmux session

TMUX Prefix (e.g. ctrl+b) + :kill-session or tmux kill-session (could run either from the inside of a session or the outside) Both styles of invocation can use the flags: -t target-session ...
FSchndr's user avatar
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50 votes

How to freeze the list of processes in htop?

UPDATE: For new versions (>=3.0) of the htop check out this answer For versions < 3.0: Most easy way is suspending the terminal with CTRLS, and unfreezing with CTRLQ while htop or any other ...
Sencer H.'s user avatar
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46 votes

Confused by "groups" and the Linux "permission model"

But I don't really get the concept of a group. From what I've gleaned a group is just a bunch of users. (But does that mean a user can belong to multiple groups?) Yes, and yes. A group as I ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
45 votes

Where does metadata go when you save a file?

It's not stored in that file. It's stored in the filesystem, and all parameters are copied manually one-by-one (though some cannot be copied at all). That is, most operating systems don't really have ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
44 votes

Compress files from OS X terminal?

with considering the above answers, If you want to compress a directory or folder with the zip command: zip -r directory.zip directory Explanation: zip command for zipping directory.zip is the ...
nima's user avatar
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43 votes

cp overwrite vs rm then cp

In the first case, you're trying to overwrite the contents of a file that is currently running as a program. Linux does not allow that – if it did, you'd overwrite code right as the OS was executing ...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
43 votes

Missing ~/.ssh Folder in macOS High Sierra

In macOS, you need to generate your public and private keys from the Terminal. If you haven't yet done this, the .ssh directory will not exist. To create them: Open the terminal App and enter the ...
baelx's user avatar
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43 votes

Why a fork is often followed by an exec?

fork() creates a new process, which is a copy of the parent process. So if you did only fork(), you would have two identical processes running. Therefore in order to replace the forked process with ...
raj's user avatar
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42 votes

"PuTTY key format too new" when using ppk file for PuTTY SSH key authentication

If you have a key in the new PPK version 3 format, you can use PuTTYgen to export it to the old PPK version 2 format. I don't know what Operating System you're using PuTTYgen/PuTTY on, but if it's ...
Petr Losev's user avatar
40 votes

Is there a way to display a countdown or stopwatch timer in a terminal?

Use leave (it at least works on BSD descendants): man leave Set a timer for 15 minutes: leave +0015 Alarm set for Thu Nov 3 14:19:31 CDT 2016. (pid 94317)
efk's user avatar
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37 votes

How can I shorten a file from the command line?

To truncate a file to 1 gigabyte, use the truncate command: truncate -s 1G file.xml The result of truncation will likely not be a valid XML file but I gather that you understand that. Documentation ...
John1024's user avatar
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36 votes

What is a Matrox GPU and why does my university's UNIX server have one?

That Matrox G200eR2 is not a separate video card. It is a chip directly integrated into the server motherboard. It is cheap, very reliable, easy to integrate and provides excellent text (console) ...
Tonny's user avatar
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36 votes

What is the difference between telnet and netcat?

Note: There are several different Telnet programs, as well as several different Netcat variants. They might have somewhat different features. In general, telnet specifically speaks the RFC 854 "...
u1686_grawity's user avatar
36 votes

How can I tell when FFMPEG is done writing a file?

Add -hls_flags temp_file to all your outputs. FFmpeg will write data to a temp file and rename once done. So then if the segment file exists, it is complete.
Gyan's user avatar
  • 36.4k
35 votes

Opposite of tail: all lines except the last n lines

head file.txt # first 10 lines tail file.txt # last 10 lines head -n 20 file.txt # first 20 lines tail -n 20 file.txt # last 20 lines head -20 file.txt ...
Kjetil S.'s user avatar
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35 votes

Why does ls wrap some filenames in single quotes?

Why ls wraps some filenames in single quotes ls wraps single quotes around filenames with spaces in them, for the purpose of allowing the filenames to be safely copied, used in a script or piped ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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