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Will an HDMI DM or HDBASET connection work extended over a fiber ethernet adapter?

I suspect it won't work. The adapter (media converter) does not directly wire the copper Ethernet to the fiber laser/LED – it has to fully terminate the Ethernet connection on both sides and only ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
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Extracting every frame from a video with its original timestamp (in the filename or printed on the image)

Here's the full command I put together (in PowerShell notation); thanks for everyone's help! $drawTextParams = "fontfile=<insertFontFileInCurrentDirectory>: fontcolor=yellow: fontsize=36: x=...
Pyoro's user avatar
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How can I save a Zoom recording shared with me?

You don't need a browser extension, it's just one line of javascript. From chrome devtools console: document.addEventListener('contextmenu', event => event.stopPropagation(), true); then you can ...
Ryan's user avatar
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