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18 votes

How do I install a VSIX file in Visual Studio?

If all the above options fail, try installing it from the VS Developer command-line. Here's how (on StackOverflow): How to install Visual Studio Gallery extensions from command line VSIXInstaller.exe ...
Matt's user avatar
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9 votes

Assign a shortcut for "Next tab" in Visual Studio

Indeed, Window.NextTab and Window.PreviousTab can be used in Keyboard Shortcuts to switch between tabs in the order displayed (while Window.PreviousDocumentWindow does not respect that order). ...
Brunni's user avatar
  • 101
8 votes

Assign a shortcut for "Next tab" in Visual Studio

In Visual Studio 2019, the command name for next tab and previous tab is Window.NextTab and Window.PreviousTab respectively.
Sajad Torkamani's user avatar
5 votes

How can I refresh files that have been changed outside of Visual Studio?

To refresh the change file automatically, we need to change a setting. Open Visual Studio, choose 'Tools' from menu bar Alt + T. Go to Options > Environment > Documents. Enable these two options ...
Biswapriyo's user avatar
  • 11.4k
5 votes

How to locate and install Visual Studio 2010 SP1?

I just found it here: Microsoft has deleted it everywhere
Christian's user avatar
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4 votes

Visual Studio colors mess up

I had the same issue and I just changed the Color Theme to Blue (Tools > Options > Environment > General > Visual Experience > Color Theme) clicked OK.. then change it back to DARK and all colors went ...
Marcos Garcia's user avatar
4 votes

Backspace and arrow keys not working as expected

Try to reset your keyboard's settings. You can do it like this: Go to Tools => Options => Environment. Click on the Keyboard option. Click on the Reset button from right panel. Here is an ...
Darshana Gupta's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a way to embed a command prompt into the Visual Studio IDE?

If using NuGet, in Visual Studio click Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console
Dave's user avatar
  • 183
2 votes

Assign a shortcut for "Next tab" in Visual Studio

In Visual Studio 2022 it is Window.NextDocumentWindow and Window.PreviousDocumentWindow And if you are using the french version, you have to search : Fenêtre.tabulationsuivante and Fenêtre....
herve's user avatar
  • 155
2 votes

'There was an error reading IIS configuration schema from 'C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\schema\' Visual Studio 2010 Windows 8 64-bit

I had accidentally installed Web Deploy 2.0 and I got this error when trying to deploy my webapp. After I installed the latest, Web Deploy 3.6, from the IIS extensions site, the error disappeared on ...
binki's user avatar
  • 906
2 votes

How to locate and install Visual Studio 2010 SP1?

How do I locate and install the service pack? Recently, I was able to locate older versions of Visual Studio, on the Visual Studio website. It requires a free subscription in order to download. ...
Ramhound's user avatar
  • 43.5k
2 votes

I have a program (.exe) made in Visual Studio 2019, and want to run it on a computer that doesnt have Visual Studio

I keep getting the error that uctrbased.dll cannot be found and VDRUNTIME140.dll cannot be found. ucrtbase.dll is installed by downloading and installing the appropriate version of the Windows SDK. ...
Ramhound's user avatar
  • 43.5k
2 votes

Remove MySQL for Visual Studio 2.0.5 without VS installation

I now went a simpler way, but not as clean as I wished it to be. Delete the folder containing the files Enter registry editor (regedit) and go the path HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products Now ...
XtremeBaumer's user avatar
2 votes

Window in window term

What it is called when a window is inside another window, and constrained to the host window? That will be an example of Windows MDI (Multiple Document Interface): Frame, Client, and Child Windows ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 159k
1 vote

SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) Service cannot start. It's referring to a file that doesn't exist

Please, try to rebuild the system databases running the following on a CMD prompt: Change directories to the location of the setup.exe file. The default location on your computer should be something ...
Ronaldo's user avatar
  • 381
1 vote

Visual Studio 2017 Community verson 15.9.12 Publish results lacks necessary dlls

I recently suffered something similar but not so severe...for some reason, I had excluded some files from the project and then I forgot to re-include them. Check Solution Explorer...see if those are ...
D Navi's user avatar
  • 56
1 vote

64 bit files in System32

Install the latest Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package x32 then x64 after deleting all previous VC++ versions and files and the problem will be fixed. The .dll is part of this ...
Overmind's user avatar
  • 10.2k
1 vote

How to make Visual Studio 2010 highlight identical, selected words in editor ?

People Looking for visual studio 2015: It's a modified version of Nicholas Sha's plugin by ...
KANJICODER's user avatar
1 vote

How do I fix an “Invalid license data. Reinstall is required.” error in Visual Shell Express (Isolated) 2010?

I experienced this error when attempting to install and run the free Visual Studio 2010 Shell alongside a licensed copy of Visual Studio 2013 Professional. As described in the thread you mentioned, ...
Mac's user avatar
  • 123
1 vote

Visual Studio Performance problems when writing XAML

In Visual Studio 2015, go to Tools->Options->XAML Designer, and uncheck "Enable XAML Designer"
Josh Noe's user avatar
  • 113
1 vote

Visual Studio 2010 replaces the character under the cursor when typing

Double click on OVR text located to the right bottom of visual studio 2010 or 2012 and it will change to INSERT and that should help.
Seya's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

Visual Studio colors mess up

I just had to restart Visual Studio to fix it.
Sundeep's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

Uninstalling VisualSVN 2.0 from Visual Studio 2010

You can uninstall it by running the installer from VisualSVN again, and selecting the remove option.
chrisghardwick's user avatar
1 vote

How do I install a VSIX file in Visual Studio?

When I double-click on vsix file, I get an error "The requested operation requires elevation". As a result, I opened cmd as administrator and navigated to the target folder. Type the vsix file name ...
AntiqTech's user avatar
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