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48 votes

How to make CTRL + / toggle a comment in Visual Studio

Here is a plugin to have the almighty "Toggle Comment" command... 1- Download and Install > 2- Restart VS 3- Go to "Tools >...
zcharles's user avatar
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How to make CTRL + / toggle a comment in Visual Studio

Edit: As of Visual Studio 17.11 Preview 1, the default shortcut of toggle line comment has been changed to Ctrl+/, see
dibarbet's user avatar
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12 votes

Keyboard shortcut to move line up/down in Visual Studio 2012?

Update Visual Studio 2013+ VS 2013+ should have this editor action built in - if you want to assign keybindings, go to: Tools > Options > Keyboard Search for the commands: Edit....
KyleMit's user avatar
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8 votes

How to make CTRL + / toggle a comment in Visual Studio

Apparently, VS2019 has finally introduced alternative keyboard mapping schemes. They're available at Options -> Environment -> Keyboard. I've been looking for a solution for toggle comment ...
cwiartek's user avatar
4 votes

Do I need to install Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable if my Windows already has Visual Studio 2012 Redistributable?

You may or may not, depending on the software that requires the redistributable. Some software is written to rely on a specific redistributable, while another software may be written to rely on that ...
n8te's user avatar
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How to force syntax highlighting for large XML files?

Run this in powershell for VS 2017 and higher $vsWherePath = Join-Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} "Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" $installPath = & $vsWherePath -all -products * -...
Daniel Fisher  lennybacon's user avatar
4 votes

.NET Framework 4.0 Targeting Pack does not show in Visual Studio

I had this same thing after uninstalling VS2015 community, my VS2010 projects all started blowing up with this. My issue was I was missing FrameworkList.xml from C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference ...
Brian's user avatar
  • 56
3 votes

Visual Studio for Windows Vista

No Only up to 2010 As of Visual Studio 2012, Microsoft has limited compatibility to Windows 7 or higher. If you want to run Visual Studio on a Vista operating system, you will need Visual Studio ...
Dave's user avatar
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2 votes

How to make CTRL + / toggle a comment in Visual Studio

In Visual Studio Code 2019, this can be done by: Enter hotkeys in the IDE search field and click Change hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts. In Show commands containing, search for and select ...
Pieter12345's user avatar
2 votes

How to get a "zoomed out" code view in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio (March 2019) 1.33 you can do this: View --> Toggle Minimap
Ytsen de Boer's user avatar
2 votes

Visual Studio 2012/2013 Express offline installation/activation

For at least Visual Studio 2015 & 2017 (Preview) Express which would be the current choices for most: Create a Visual Studio offline installation package with for example these flags: ...
Simo Kivistö's user avatar
2 votes

Make visual studio solution files(sln) always executed as administrator

In Windows 10 do the following steps: - Download and install the 'Everything' application that locates files and folders by name instantly. - Find the 'devenv.exe' and locate it. Right-click on '...
Behzad Ebrahimi's user avatar
1 vote

Can not install visual studio ultimate 2012

I have vc runtime x64 already installed, rebooted several times. The Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Runtime is not binary compatible. This mean if an application required 11.0.61030 you had to install ...
Ramhound's user avatar
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Create Windows Console application in VS 2012

How can I create a Windows Console application in VS 2012? You need to install **Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop** instead of **Visual Studio Express for Windows 8**. Marcus Karlsson ...
Ramhound's user avatar
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Do I need to install Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable if my Windows already has Visual Studio 2012 Redistributable?

You may not need to install every distribute. You just install Netframework 3.5(contain 3.0 2.0 1.0) for older software to use it. Nowdays, we use Netframework 4.0 and higher latest 4.6. Visual C++ ...
zezu zaza's user avatar
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Make visual studio solution files(sln) always executed as administrator

StackExchange has already answered this and is more comprehensive, covering Windows 7, 8, 10 as well as modifying jump lists. In general most people won't want to always run as admin, so permanently ...
tabletguy's user avatar
1 vote

Visual Studio Performance problems when writing XAML

In Visual Studio 2015, go to Tools->Options->XAML Designer, and uncheck "Enable XAML Designer"
Josh Noe's user avatar
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How to associate visual studio 2012 with SQL files in Windows 8?

You're half way of the solution. To make VS as default editor to your SQL files. Right-click on any .sql file extension. Choose Open With. Now Choose Another app From the list, search for ...
iSR5's user avatar
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Preventing Visual Studio to open files when searching

You can change the behaviour by clicking inside the red circles!
Mattias Nordqvist's user avatar
1 vote

How to make CTRL + / toggle a comment in Visual Studio

In Visual studio 2022 you also need to install the workload for ASP.NET and webdevelopment if you want to use the shortcut for Edit.ToggleBlockComment, as is explained here. If this workload is not ...
Maurice's user avatar
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How to make CTRL + / toggle a comment in Visual Studio

If you're using Resharper, there is an almost identical alternative: Right Alt+/ By using this single shortcut, you can simply toggle between commenting/uncommenting code.
Teodor Tite's user avatar

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