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5 votes

What's the difference between VM and VPS?

Your question is probably about full system level virtualization: The term "Virtual Machine" is generally used to describe a technology, while the term "Virtual Private Server" (or "virtual root ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
3 votes

How to SSH to IPv6 only VPS if my ISP only supports IPv4?

You're going to need a service "on the outside" who can route you through to the IPv6 address you need. Luckily, there are several free IPv4 to IPv6 gateways or tunnels: Tunnel Broker - A personal ...
Benjamin Crawford Ctrl-Alt-Tut's user avatar
3 votes

What to do when the ISP seems to interrupt a SOCKS5 connection to a VPS?

Socks handshake is transparent and easy to detect(3 bytes static data). A DPI can monitor the packet data to detect the socks connection. To evade the detection you may need to customize the handshake ...
Arshed's user avatar
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3 votes

Can set hostname of VPS buy from

The "hostname" parameter in VPS control panels only changes what the server calls itself (i.e. reverse DNS), but it doesn't change how the rest of the world sees the server nor the domain. (In other ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
3 votes

Convert ISO image to VHD

Yes, but remember that .iso images are primarily for CD/DVDs, which use a different boot mechanism from regular disks. If you have a "hybrid CD+USB" .iso image (like many Linux distributions provide),...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
3 votes

Strange line on apache2 error log

I don't have the file n23.php nor infos.php on my /var/www dir, what could it be? These are likely automated web attacks. These are often random in the sense that there are tools that will try a list ...
Anaksunaman's user avatar
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3 votes

How should I fill the nameserver field when I try to buy a domain?

DNS domains have nameservers for the same purpose as websites have webservers – to store the domain information and respond to clients' DNS queries. Specifically, the nameservers store a table of DNS &...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
3 votes

Can I access a remote VPS's via proxy?

The ssh utility can be used to forward individual TCP ports. A command such as the following: ssh -L 8080: user@your-vps will listen for TCP connections on port 8080 of the local system. ...
Kenster's user avatar
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3 votes

Using Wireguard to forward traffic from public facing VPS to private server

Your analysis is correct: it's not working with containerized services because connections to containers are forwarded (as if they were on another host) instead of bound to a local port on the backend ...
Justin Ludwig's user avatar
2 votes

How boot custom ISO within Rescue Mode (or not) in a OVH VPS

Update Nov 2022: You need to install qemu inside the Rescue System to mount a custom iso in a VPS that does not support it natively. The iso image will need to be smaller than available RAM. Most ...
Stuart Cardall's user avatar
2 votes

Tunnel a static IP that is assigned to a VPS to home router

First, stop thinking of eth0 and eth0:1 as separate interfaces. Stop drawing them as separate interfaces. They're not. You have one eth0 interface with two IP addresses on it – the rest is an illusion ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
2 votes

Need help explaining VPS infastructure situation

Your VPS is already running in a VM. Depending on the hypervisor type it's likely it is not possible due to the way x86 virtualization works (x86 doesn't support "nesting" hypervisors - the ...
LawrenceC's user avatar
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2 votes

Domain to VPS Setup

Namecheap offers DNS, you can set your IP of the server to an A record in there control panel Regarding your email you can setup MX records too. Though in the server configuration you may need to ...
mt025's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I change/reset permissions ssh debian

I hate to be that guy but there's no real way to fix this. You've essentially set the entire system to read/write so things that need to execute cannot be executed including the commands that let you ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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Being ddos-ed or my VPS has been compromised?

While you can't gain a lot of information from the output of iftop, that server is connecting to a number of mail servers. If you're not expecting to be sending emails, then the server is compromised ...
djsmiley2kStaysInside's user avatar
2 votes

Keep processes active after logging out of RDP

First thing you do is type 'control userpasswords2' in the run dialogue (Win+R) and make normal login automatic. Secondly, if you are using RDP - just close the RDP window - do not logout. The ...
JohnnyVegas's user avatar
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2 votes

New restricted user on VPS : need to reinstall everything?

You installed Node using NVM (Node Version Manager). That means it's indeed local to the user. NVM is great for development, but not so great for production deployments. Instead, you should install ...
Daniel B's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I hide my public IP when using a DDNS

harrymc’s answer already has the “does it make sense” angle covered. So I will answer the technical side! Simply put your WireGuard server on the VPS, done! No dynamic DNS needed, only regular DNS, ...
Daniel B's user avatar
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2 votes

redirect website to VPS, but other DNS records remain in Cpanel host

To change your underlying problem (based on the full list of DNS records) you need to change your MX record (the second record you have listed) so the destination is "" ...
davidgo's user avatar
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1 vote

Cannot connect to SSL from outside ubuntu

If local connection to port 443 and port 80 from local system is possible but from remote only port 80 can be reached there are usually two possibilities: a) port 443 is bound to a different IP ...
Steffen Ullrich's user avatar
1 vote

How do I change/reset permissions ssh debian

It's been said that there's really no proper fix for this, but it's almost doable given a rescue environment. As with all recovery operations, you should do what you can to make sure you have a ...
Bob's user avatar
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1 vote

Resolving IPv6 requsets on IPv4 VPS

Well... logically, if you don't have IPv6 support, then you cannot access IPv6 addresses. That's what "IPv6 support" means. However, your server can have IPv6 support. Hetzner provide a /64 subnet ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
1 vote

How to add/mount block storage on DigitalOcean droplet under server root /

So basically my VPS has 25GB storage under root / and 100GB storage mounted under /mnt/volume_nyc3_01 What I want is, total 125GB storage accessible under root / how can I do that? You can’...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
  • 55.9k
1 vote

How to add/mount block storage on DigitalOcean droplet under server root /

I am not sure what you are trying to achieve but from the df command output, the volume is already mounted. Maybe you can create a symlink to the path you want to access that volume from.. say ln -s ...
Olubodun Agbalaya's user avatar
1 vote

How to setup VPS to forward multiple IPs to a single static IP

Is there a way to purchase a single VPS service, and somehow add multiple static IPs to it Yes, as long as your VPS hosting company offers this service. Usually extra IPv4 addresses come at a cost ...
1 vote

Tunnel ports, thru VPS running OpenVPN, into my home network via Tomato Router

My condolences on the double NAT. If you have root access on the VPS, try using destination port forwarding with iptables (DNATing). On the VPS, run the following commands sysctl -w net.ipv4....
tuntap's user avatar
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1 vote

Changing DNS for Subdomain

When you registered your domain name, there would have been an option to set up the nameservers for it. If you were not offered this, or just went with the defaults these nameservers will be ...
davidgo's user avatar
  • 71.5k
1 vote

Are certificates managed by domain name providers, or on the server?

You'll perform the handling that you're asking about. Here's an overview of the full picture. You provide the certificate authority (whom you are calling a DNS provider) with whatever their ...
TOOGAM's user avatar
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1 vote

Terminal will not allow SSH to Linux

Assuming the VPS is hosted on AWS, the missing command you speak of would be the path to the access-file (.PEM) file. For example: ssh -i path/to/AccessKey.pem [email protected]....
SamAndrew81's user avatar

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