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ZeroKnight's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

Why does IGNOREEOF not work in Zsh?

4 votes

Command line: How to handle spaces in filenames

2 votes

How do I make . execute the last shell command in zsh?

2 votes

How to make msysgit 'find' higher-priority than Windows 'find'?

2 votes

Vim doesn't highligh syntax of links

1 vote

msys2 `which` is very slow on windows 10

1 vote

How can I configure Microsoft Windows so that each time Microsoft Windows gets locked it kills a specific process before the lock?

0 votes

Accidentally corrupted my ssh_config file on VM and can't log in anymore, can I fix this without logging in?

0 votes

curl shell command always returns error status 0 - even when fails on input errors

0 votes

unrecognized modifier P in zsh script

0 votes

Will setting the $HOME variable to a symlink of my current home cause any issues?

0 votes

How to remove a permanent alias to gcc to a version that no longer exists?

0 votes

ALT+left-arrow & ALT+right-arrow not working in tmux (zsh) on Mac OSX