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Christofer Weber's user avatar
Christofer Weber
  • Member for 7 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Sweden
3 votes

How can I validate or format dates in excel

3 votes

How do I autofill a formula across a row using a shortcut?

3 votes

How can i simplify my code using LOOPS in VBA

2 votes

How to manipulate hierarchical breakdown in Excel

2 votes

Generate a list on another tab, depending on criteria in excel

2 votes

Excel Multiple find and replace

2 votes

Multiple Entries in VBA for Cell COmparison

2 votes

Ms Excel VBA Select All or (Ctrl + A) Code

2 votes

Make Excel insert day and date in a set format on a single click?

2 votes

Remove Lock Screen from Windows 10

2 votes

How to show all excel sheet?

2 votes

Use Drop Down Menu to change cells next to the drop down list

2 votes

I am trying to get excel to pull data from one sheet and list it on another sheet if certain criteria are met

2 votes

Switch from 32-bit free Windows 10 copy to 64-bit

2 votes

How can I Implement Dynamic Dependent Data Validation List in Excel

2 votes

MAX function always returning 0 in a range

1 vote

Data entry force in excel cell only if I want to change a separate cell

1 vote

Excel - making the answer different colors automatically

1 vote

Compare cells and color matching words

1 vote

Microsoft Excel how to select all cells that meet certain condition (i.e greater than a value)

1 vote

Conditional Format based on a specific number within a formula

1 vote

Automatic hiding of areas in Excel

1 vote

Enter a value in one cell of a sheet, same value gets log into another sheet and creates a log of values row after row

1 vote

How to create a formula that calculate the total of spending base on their names?

1 vote

Generating Worksheets using the same template in Excel

1 vote

Windows 7 slow to shutdown and startup

1 vote

Excel VBA Timestamp in a cell when "Yes" is selected in the previous cell

1 vote

Change out column of data using drop down

1 vote

How can I consolidate N different workbooks to one workbook with N sheets?

1 vote

Excel: 2-way linkages for cells on both source sheet and destination sheets