Lieven Keersmaekers's user avatar
Lieven Keersmaekers's user avatar
Lieven Keersmaekers's user avatar
Lieven Keersmaekers
  • Member for 14 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
11 votes

Avoid dot backslash Windows 10 Powershell

9 votes

How do I tell what syntax file is being used?

9 votes

The dot "." isn't repeating last command

7 votes

Vim: How to append even lines to odd lines

7 votes

Using vim to delete all lines except those that match an arbitrary set of strings

7 votes

Is there a simple equivalent of :g/PATTERN/m0 that doesn't reverse the matched lines?

6 votes

Switch between open application in windows using application name

5 votes

ProcMon - catching incoming file accesses from the network

5 votes

What's the quickest way to copy the current date and time to clipboard?

4 votes

Virtual Machine and Virus

3 votes

Sort structures in file

3 votes

Self-closing parentheses in text editors can be annoying - how to deal with them?

2 votes

Combine string and variable to existing variable (powershell)

2 votes

Filter a list of strings in powershell by a regex, then group and sort by one of the capture groups

2 votes

How to install SysInternals in Powershell to allow access through CLI

2 votes

How to find drivers breaking digital signature enforcement in Windows 7 64bit

2 votes

Using vim for creating fixed width text?

2 votes

Is there any way to drill down and see what System process is producing network traffic on my LAN?

2 votes

How do I real-time synchronize two files in Windows 8.1?

2 votes

How to stop a running .bat file which runs after every 10 minutes

2 votes

How can I know what is the process name who make my HDD work intensivly?

1 vote

Command to "go to end of last line that has content, in insert mode"

1 vote

How to detect who is consuming permanently space on Hard Disk

1 vote

Write to two applications at the same time

1 vote

Killing memory breaching process but keeping parent safe in Powershell

1 vote

Find a particular folder and find files recursively

1 vote

Is there any way to find which app was being when a windows 10 system crashed via blue screen of death?

1 vote

Powershell find and store the file name

1 vote

Deleting list of files with non-standard file names

1 vote

PowerShell - Replacing all occurrences, except one, of a certain character in a string