Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica's user avatar
Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica's user avatar
Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica's user avatar
Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica
  • Member for 7 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
69 votes

What is the home directory on Windows Subsystem for Linux?

21 votes

Wget returning error: "Unable to establish SSL connection."

4 votes

How can I reload the Chrome PDF Viewer in Google Chrome?

4 votes

What does ppc64le mean?

4 votes

Make and open linux directory with one commmand

3 votes

Ubuntu change the passphrase on a ecryptfs home directory

3 votes

How to remove 2 types of files from a directory?

3 votes

Break and restart Linux command when specific text appears

3 votes

Is it possible to add a key to an open luks volume whithout providing a current key?

3 votes

Redirect ports with iptables to domain instead of ip

3 votes

Why is my simple bash script is not running?

2 votes

Is a forwarded port vulnerable to exploit if there is no software listening for connections on that port?

2 votes

Is it possible to download Mozilla Firefox without using another browser?

2 votes

msys path error due to space in the directory name

2 votes

Is it possible to fake 'received' field in the e-mail?

2 votes

Can someone explain this shellcode?

1 vote

Git IdentityFile in config

1 vote

Windows hosts file entry

1 vote

Extract all the code at a particular commit

1 vote

Configure default shell initialized by OpenSSH on Windows 7

1 vote

Netstat showing open established connection but I can't end the process

1 vote

Piped output wierdness with 'COMMAND | less', FreeBSD

1 vote

Is this VPN Kill Switch implementation secure enough?

1 vote

Linux alternative to Storage Spaces

1 vote

Create block device link to target /dev/mapper

1 vote

How can I - as administrator - change a standard user's password in Windows 10?

1 vote

Find and rename first result in linux?

0 votes

Remote listening of UNIX sockets

0 votes

Can you move the autorun.inf file from root in a flash drive?

0 votes

Powering a phone with SATA to USB Y cable