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aolszowka's user avatar
aolszowka's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
6 votes

"Incompatible Office products are installed on your machine" when opening Office documents or browsing OneDrive or SharePoint Site

3 votes

Is it possible to make a non-locking Windows share (files that other people use remotely don't get locked)?

1 vote

Route all traffic of home network through VPN

1 vote

How can I enable virtualization on a Sony VAIO with Win 7?

1 vote

Should I use VGA from the video card or DVI from the motherboard?

1 vote

How to change default properties of built-in browser?

1 vote

Is there a way to prioritise a sound so that other sounds mute when it plays? (Windows)

1 vote

What are the locations of the various theme files in Windows 7?

1 vote

Why do I get "General Failure" when pinging host name on a Win 7 node on the network?

1 vote

Is there a way to toggle the Windows "compress this drive" command through a command prompt?

0 votes

How to show tree branches for files in Windows tree command output?

0 votes

Resuming after sleep in Windows 7 causes USB keyboard to disappear