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Malvineous's user avatar
Malvineous's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
33 votes

systemctl access denied when root

26 votes

Is there any way to get the windows cmd shell to expand wildcard paths?

17 votes

Keyboard shortcut for switching screens using synergy

13 votes

How to read an ACSM file on Linux?

11 votes

Problems with using xdg-mime default. The default was successfully set but it is not used via xdg-open

10 votes

Cannot run .exe from Network Drive

10 votes

Microsoft Office document is "locked for editing by 'another user'"

8 votes

What are the drawbacks of using an integrated GPU for non-gaming purposes?

7 votes

How to prevent Firefox converting 'localhost/*' URLs into search queries?

6 votes

Firefox doesn't ask me for a certificate when visiting a site that needs one

6 votes

Synergy prevents click and drag actions in some Windows applications

5 votes

rdesktop - windows 7 - mouse pointer invisible - no black outline

5 votes

Change the frame rate of an MP4 video with ffmpeg

3 votes

Can SATA be used to connect computers?

3 votes

Mount a disk image root has no access to

3 votes

rsync error - Unexpected remote arg: [email protected]:/*

3 votes

If my Wi-Fi speed is 64 Mbit/s why do I get nowhere near it?

3 votes

How do I know if certain iptables extensions are available and enabled?

3 votes

Stop Synergy using 25% CPU

2 votes

Remove Windows 7 taskbar thumbnails

2 votes

Synergy Can't Get To All Monitors On One Computer

2 votes

Why would my mouse pointer change sizes when using Synergy?

2 votes

How to create a virtual sound device in Linux?

2 votes

Synergy connected fine but mouse doesn't move with two Windows 7 machines

2 votes

Cannot configure second monitor to rotate 90' in KDE with Karmic Koala

1 vote

Force the web browser to resolve DNS locally

1 vote

Unable to connect to AP on a Raspberry Pi

1 vote

Connect to my LAN from outside my router (WAN)?

1 vote

Synergy+ multiple clients and multiple monitors on one client

1 vote

Hiding mouse cursor on Mac OS X when using Synergy