I'm getting this error when connecting to a web server on port 6666 (http://myserver:6666/
Error 312 (net::ERR_UNSAFE_PORT): Unknown error.
Is there an easy way to resolve this without rebuilding Chrome from source?
I'm getting this error when connecting to a web server on port 6666 (http://myserver:6666/
Error 312 (net::ERR_UNSAFE_PORT): Unknown error.
Is there an easy way to resolve this without rebuilding Chrome from source?
On Windows:
Right Click on Chrome shortcut >> Properties >>
Then Append
to shortcut target
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --explicitly-allowed-ports=6666
Resource from here
switch not exist for Mac?
You can explicitly allow ports just like the other answers state, but for most cases the problem is easier to solve by just not using the restricted ports:
const int kRestrictedPorts[] = {
1, // tcpmux
7, // echo
9, // discard
11, // systat
13, // daytime
15, // netstat
17, // qotd
19, // chargen
20, // ftp data
21, // ftp access
22, // ssh
23, // telnet
25, // smtp
37, // time
42, // name
43, // nicname
53, // domain
69, // tftp
77, // priv-rjs
79, // finger
87, // ttylink
95, // supdup
101, // hostriame
102, // iso-tsap
103, // gppitnp
104, // acr-nema
109, // pop2
110, // pop3
111, // sunrpc
113, // auth
115, // sftp
117, // uucp-path
119, // nntp
123, // NTP
135, // loc-srv /epmap
137, // netbios
139, // netbios
143, // imap2
161, // snmp
179, // BGP
389, // ldap
427, // SLP (Also used by Apple Filing Protocol)
465, // smtp+ssl
512, // print / exec
513, // login
514, // shell
515, // printer
526, // tempo
530, // courier
531, // chat
532, // netnews
540, // uucp
548, // AFP (Apple Filing Protocol)
554, // rtsp
556, // remotefs
563, // nntp+ssl
587, // smtp (rfc6409)
601, // syslog-conn (rfc3195)
636, // ldap+ssl
989, // ftps-data
990, // ftps
993, // ldap+ssl
995, // pop3+ssl
1719, // h323gatestat
1720, // h323hostcall
1723, // pptp
2049, // nfs
3659, // apple-sasl / PasswordServer
4045, // lockd
5060, // sip
5061, // sips
6000, // X11
6566, // sane-port
6665, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition]
6666, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition]
6667, // Standard IRC [Apple addition]
6668, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition]
6669, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition]
6697, // IRC + TLS
10080, // Amanda
So instead of 6666 you could use 6060 and you wouldn't have this problem.
You may be able to turn this off in Google Chrome, but you do so at your own risk. There is actually a good security reason why Chrome blocks these ports: Basically you open your browser up to being an open proxy for attackers to use to attack other services on your network.
For more information: Why does Chrome consider some ports unsafe?
On Mac you can create an app launching Chrome with parameters mentioned in other answers using Automator built-in Apple application:
Launch Automator
As "Type of document" choose "Application"
Add action "Run shell script"
Replace placeholder cat
script in this action with:
/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --explicitly-allowed-ports=5000,6000,7000
Save the created app as something like "Google Chrome with allowed unsafe ports" in your Application folder
Use this new app instead of Google Chrome directly
(optional) Replace default icon of the created "app" - Automator's robot - with Chrome's using this method (note: upvote that answer if you like it!)
Source: http://cubewot.de/node/266
As subanki said, you've got to add the -explicitly-allowed-ports
option to your Chrome startup command.
In Ubuntu you can do this (as root) by editing the "google-chrome" script under your Chrome installation folder
You can get the directory by typing:
ls -la /usr/bin | grep chrome
Then, edit the "google-chrome" file adding the mentioned switch to the EXEC line:
exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" "-explicitly-allowed-ports=6000" "$@"
Just change "6000" with the comma separated values you might need (example: -explicitly-allowed-ports=5000,6000,7000
NOTE: for UNIX, the switch does NOT start with "--", it does with a single "-"
on unix is a GNU-specific convention. It's emulated by many, but not all unix utilities.
For Mac:
/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --explicitly-allowed-ports=5000,6000,7000
for ports 5000, 6000, and 7000.
Here is the correct answer for those of you who are developers using node.js as a web server: change the port you are using to host your web pages.
For example
if you typed into command line node index.js & pressed enter,
if it started running on port 22 for 80 http request,
when you visit the website at port 22,
the chrome browser with throw this error page.,br>
keyword UNSAFE PORT means port needs to match the content.